Thoughts on Kubikiri?

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Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:30 pm

Re: Thoughts on Kubikiri?

Post by Manifest »

trihero wrote:I think I'm just tired of arguing things that shouldn't be argued, in another thread someone was trying to tell me 70% is reliable when compared to another ability that did the same thing better at 100%. Ok deep breaths, "someone on the internet is wrong." And sure I've been wrong about things too.
70% with 100% disorient IS pretty reliable. And it's free. It's not as good as sting grenades or incendiaries as cc, almost nothing is, but it's not bad to have that option especially when assaults are killing specialists and can help your grenadier lock down targets when they are not able to do their main job.

On a long mission when you run out of consumables its nice to have a backup.

He specially said Grenadiers are the better class if you had to pick one, there was no reason to get so worked up there either. He wasn't saying the arc thrower was better of course its not, but it's quite good.

And again, incendiaries aren't true 100%, the burning can wear off on the immediate next turn in rare cases.
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