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Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:12 pm
by Rempsv
I am really hoping you or some other person with modding skills find a way to get commanders choice as the standard again.
With all the different stats on the new rookies its pretty annoying to get sharpshooters with barely 60 aim or get assaults with 13 base movement.
After you build the Gts you can train the rookies the way you want to why not give that posibility from the start aswell?

Re: Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:54 pm
by mattprice516
If you want to use Commanders Choice, I believe the standalone mod is supposed to be updated soon.

That said, there is a reason it isn't included in LW2. With the caveat that I'm not JL and don't speak for him, I'll try to explain why I personally think it's a good design choice.

The perk trees are designed to allow viable builds for most types of stats - low aim sharpshooter? Make him a holo scout. Low mobility assault? Specialize in long range with arc thrower. Etc. The GTS does allow you to pick for many soldiers, but it's slow enough that you probably can't do all of them.

Being limited to the GTS to choose soldier classes in LW2 isn't an oversight - it's another puzzle to deal with. This limitation has presented me with more interesting problems to solve and more unique soldiers. I still remember fondly my high aim grenadier who I turned into a hybrid shooter/support grenadier. :)

There's also the issue of balancing against reward soldiers, who you can get from missions or buy from the Black Market. Those come as a set class and you'll probably need to buy a lot of them to keep up with losses. Commander's Choice makes these soldiers much more of a crapshoot.

Anyway - if you want to use CC I'm sure it'll be updated soon. But as someone with about 300 hours in LW2, I really think it's a more fun, dynamic, and interesting game without it. Just my $0.02. :)

Re: Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:15 pm
by Rempsv
first of all thank you for taking the time to answer.

I can understand where you guys are coming from, i just would have preferred the first 8 soldiers you get(if they all survive of course) to give them a bit of a head start. And to have some freedom to give them the stats their role needs the most.
For the soldiers you gain through rewards or black market with different stats those are soldiers for the other paths.
Its not important ofcourse, but after having played long war for so long i really missed commanders choice.

To all that where involved in the making of long war2, thank you very much sofar i am having a blast.

Re: Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:20 am
by xwynns
I always used CC in lw1 and I wouldn't even consider using it in lw2 (legend only). There are plenty of options available for every class to be useful and min/maxing stats isn't even really a head start. For example in my current campaign I got a nearly max aim Ranger, in theory great but I didn't have my usually 50 aim ranger to spec into the sawed off to become a dedicated officer faceless hunting liaison and now two months into the game I feel worse off for rolling Ranger on my 77 aim rookie.

Hell I don't even care about class composition in lw2. I'll just roll with whatever I happen to have and make due. There is significantly more room to be successful doing stuff like this in lw2 than there was in lw1

Re: Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:44 pm
by Ballor85
I would also like CC back. Having that flexibility for new LW players or veterans who would like it back makes the game more tactikool, no mistake here. If you do not want to use it don't.

Re: Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:41 pm
by JLtheking

Re: Please get Commanders choice back.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:47 pm
by johnnylump
This is one we're going to leave for other modders. I'm of the view the GTS does this exactly right.