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Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:09 am
by johnnylump
We're trying to add a few new elements to the game for future patches, but a major obstacle is translating the supporting text for those elements into the various languages Long War 2 supports. While we may be able to submit stuff to 2K for additional translation, it might take a while to happen, so I thought I might see if we could get some help on this forum from our multilingual fans.

This is the English text for a new item, a grenade object that only does environmental damage. These are organized by tags and the actual text, e.g. TAG="Text"

The only stuff that needs translation is the text (the stuff between the quote marks). The tags should remain as is, as the code references them. HTML tags, such as <Bullet/> and <br/> should also not be changed.

The supported non-English languages of XCOM 2 are the following:
* Spanish - DONE
* French - DONE
* German - DONE
* Russian - DONE
* Polish - DONE
* Italian - DONE
* Japanese - DONE
* Korean - DONE
* Simplified Chinese - DONE
* Traditional Chinese - DONE

The text that needs translating is here:

FriendlyName="Shaped Charge"
FriendlyNamePlural="Shaped Charges"
BriefSummary="A small directed explosive designed to knock down walls."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> The Shaped Charge has a limited range and area of effect and will not cause injuries, even when loaded in a Grenade Launcher.<br/><Bullet/> It is very loud and will alert nearby enemies.<br/><Bullet/> For the purposes of perks, it is treated as a support grenade."
ThrownAbilityName="Set Shaped Charge"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Destroys environmental objects."
LaunchedAbilityname="Launch Shaped Charge"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Destroys environmental objects."

Please post the translations with the Tags and html intact in this thread. I'll mark the each language off in this post once one is in.

Thank you! Once all the translations are in we can get the item in a future patch.

UPDATE: We got 'em all. Thank you everyone! Stay tuned for a few more of these; it will let us get new stuff out faster.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:32 am
by rakoon79

BriefSummary="벽을 파괴하기 위하여 폭발력을 특정방향으로 집중시킨 소형 폭발물입니다."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> 성형작약탄은 제한된 사거리와 유효범위를 갖고 있으며, 유탄 발사기를 이용하더라도 적 유닛에게 피해를 입히지 않습니다.<br/><Bullet/> 굉장히 큰 폭발음을 냄으로써 주위의 적군들을 경계시킬 것입니다.<br/><Bullet/> 능력의 기능상, 지원형 수류탄으로 취급됩니다."
;I'm not entirely sure how this works. For other grenades, you used "throw", but we have "Set" here now. Do we throw this explosive? or do we physically set it like X4? I will make for both cases. 1st one will be for "Throwing" them, and 2nd one will be for "setting/installing" them like X4
ThrownAbilityName="성형작약탄 투척" ; 1st - thrown
ThrownAbilityName="성형작약탄 설치" ; 2nd - installed
ThrownAbilityHelpText="사물들을 파괴합니다."
LaunchedAbilityname="성형작약탄 발사"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="사물들을 파괴합니다."

Note : Willing to edit the format upon your confirmation

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:40 am
by johnnylump
Thanks, this is great. Either will work. It's visibly a throwing action, but it's only a couple of tiles.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:29 am
by rakoon79
johnnylump wrote:Thanks, this is great. Either will work. It's visibly a throwing action, but it's only a couple of tiles.
Gotcha. I don't know about International version (i.e. ENG), but for Korean, I would go with throw. Your call, boss

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:56 am
by Arantir

FriendlyName="Кумулятивный заряд"
FriendlyNamePlural="Кумулятивные заряды"
BriefSummary="Небольшое взрывное устройство направленного действия для сноса стен."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> Кумулятивный заряд имеет малую дальность и область поражения, его использование не приводит к ранениям включая выстрел им из гранатомета.<br/><Bullet/> Создает много шума и привлекает внимание находящихся неподалеку противников.<br/><Bullet/> Считается гранатой поддержки при расчете бонусов от навыков."
ThrownAbilityName=" Установить кумулятивный заряд"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Разрушает объекты окружения."
LaunchedAbilityname="Выстрел кумулятивным зарядом"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Разрушает объекты окружения."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:17 am
by Wizardgreen
**Traditional Chinese**

TacticalText="<Bullet/> 成型炸藥的影響範圍有限,無論透過榴彈發射器或直接使用都不會造成傷害.<br/><Bullet/> 發出聲響並且驚動鄰近的敵人.<br/><Bullet/> 視為支援型手榴彈."

Thank you,Pavonis Interactive !

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:22 am
by Karebennian

BriefSummary="Kleine gebündelte Sprengladung zum Niederreißen von Wänden"
TacticalText="<Bullet/> Die Hohlladung hat begrenzte Reichweite und Effektradius und verursacht keine Verletzungen, auch wenn sie in einen Granatwerfer geladen wird.<br/><Bullet/> Sie ist sehr laut und wird nahe Feinde alarmieren.<br/><Bullet/> Was Fähigkeiten angeht gilt sie als Unterstützungsgranate."
ThrownAbilityName="Hohlladung werfen"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Zerstört Umgebungsobjekte."
LaunchedAbilityname="Hohlladung abfeuern"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Zerstört Umgebungsobjekte."

I do not play XCOM 2 in German but I tried to research the appropriate expressions. If some other user has more experience in that regard please feel free to correct me.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:56 am
by XMarksTheSpot
***FRENCH*** courtesy of kordolius

FriendlyName="Charge Creuse"
FriendlyNamePlural="Charges Creuses"
BriefSummary="Une petite charge explosive dirigée, destinée à percer les murs."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La charge creuse, de portée et zone d'effet limitées, a peu de chances de causer des blessures même si elle est déployée avec un lance-grenades.<br/><Bullet/> Son utilisation est extrêmement bruyante et alertera les ennemis proches.<br/><Bullet/> Elle est considérée comme une grenade de soutien."
ThrownAbilityName="Placer une Charge Creuse"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Détruit les objets de l'environnement."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lancer une Charge Creuse"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Détruit les objets de l'environnement."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:11 am
by 8wayz
***FRENCH ***
Note: I am not a native speaker. That said, I have lived in France for quite some time and use the language on a daily basis, so I guess I am considered francophone. :)

FriendlyName="Charge Creuse"
FriendlyNamePlural="Charges Creuses"
BriefSummary="Un petit explosif focalisé en un point, destiné à démolir des murailles."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Charge Creuse, de portée et rayon d'action limitées, n'entraînera pas des dégâts, même si elle tirée par un Lance-grenades.<br/><Bullet/> Elle est trop bruyante et mettra en alerte d'ennemis à proximité. <br/><Bullet/> Elle est considérée comme grenade de soutien en ce qui concerne les atouts. "
ThrownAbilityName="Mettre en place une Charge Creuse"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Démolit des objets environnementaux."
LaunchedAbilityname="Tirer une Charge Creuse"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Démolit des objets environnementaux."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:35 am
by Jeckhyl
About the french translation, Xmarkthespot's one is less literal but sounds a little more military. It sounds better too ("de l'environnement" instead of "environnementaux") even if the two sentences are correct.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:16 pm
by faleg

FriendlyName="Ładunek Kumulacyjny"
FriendlyNamePlural="Ładunki Kumulacyjne"
BriefSummary="Mały, kierunkowy ładunek wybuchowy zaprojektowany w celu obalania ścian. "
TacticalText="<Bullet/> "Ładunek kumulacyjny ma ograniczone pole rażenia i nie powoduje obrażeń, nawet przy użyciu wyrzutni granatów."<br/><Bullet/> Jest bardzo głośny i zaalarmuje pobliskich przeciwnków<br/><Bullet/> Dla celów umiejętności traktowany jako granat wsparcia."
ThrownAbilityName="Ustaw Ładunek Kumulacyjny"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Niszczy obiekty środowiskowe."
LaunchedAbilityname="Wystrzel Ładunek Kumulacyjny"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Niszczy obiekty środowiskowe."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:31 pm
by sebool112
Hahah, good guy faleg :P. I was about to give it a try... Oh well, I can at least confirm it looks well-translated ^^.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:42 pm
by lietkynes

FriendlyName="Carica cava"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cariche cave"
BriefSummary="Un carica esplosiva direzionale di piccole dimensioni ideale per abbattere muri."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La carica cava ha raggio limitato e non causa ferite, anche se caricata su un lanciagranate.<br/><Bullet/> E' molto rumorosa e metterà in allerta eventuali nemici nelle vicinanzne.<br/><Bullet/> Per quanto concerne le abilità, è trattata come una granata di supporto."
ThrownAbilityName="Piazza Carica Cava"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Distrugge muri e oggetti circostanti."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lancia Carica Cava"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Distrugge muri e oggetti circostanti."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:48 pm
by lietkynes

FriendlyName="Carica cava"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cariche cave"
BriefSummary="Un carica esplosiva direzionale di piccole dimensioni ideale per abbattere muri."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La carica cava ha raggio limitato e non causa ferite, anche se caricata su un lanciagranate.<br/><Bullet/> E' molto rumorosa e metterà in allerta eventuali nemici nelle vicinanzne.<br/><Bullet/> Per quanto concerne le abilità, è trattata come una granata di supporto."
ThrownAbilityName="Piazza Carica Cava"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Distrugge muri e oggetti circostanti."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lancia Carica Cava"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Distrugge muri e oggetti circostanti."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:53 pm
by dadazbk

FriendlyName="Carga Hueca"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cargas Huecas"
BriefSummary="Un pequeño explosivo dirigido diseñado para derribar muros."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Carga Hueca tiene un área de efecto limitado y no causará heridas, incluso cargada en un Lanzagranadas.<br/><Bullet/> Es muy ruidosa y alertará a enemigos cercanos.<br/><Bullet/> Se considera como una granada de apoyo en lo concerniente a habilidades."
ThrownAbilityName="Activar Carga Hueca"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Destruye elementos del entorno."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lanzar Carga Hueca"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Destruye elementos del entorno."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:55 pm
by dadazbk
*Deleted double post*

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:58 pm
by Uburian

FriendlyName="Carga Hueca"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cargas Huecas"
BriefSummary="Un pequeño explosivo de carga dirigida, diseñado para derribar paredes."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Carga Hueca tiene un alcance y zona de impacto limitada y no causará heridas, incluso cuando sea cargada en un lanzagranadas.<br/><Bullet/> Es muy ruidosa y alertará a enemigos cercanos.<br/><Bullet/> Se considera una granada de apoyo en lo referente a las habilidades de los soldados."
ThrownAbilityName="Activar Carga Hueca"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Destruye objetos del entorno."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lanzar Carga Hueca"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Destruye objetos del entorno."


Happy to help.

I'm a native speaker, so i hope this fits like a charm into the mod. If there are any mistakes or something you wish to change, feel free to do so. The Spanish i have used is the european Spanish version (the one spoken in most Spain), not the international one.

Thanks a lot for all your great work on the mod.


Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:01 pm
by Uburian

FriendlyName="Carga Hueca"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cargas Huecas"
BriefSummary="Un pequeño explosivo de carga dirigida, diseñado para derribar paredes."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Carga Hueca tiene un alcance y zona de impacto limitada y no causará heridas, incluso cuando sea cargada en un lanzagranadas.<br/><Bullet/> Es muy ruidosa y alertará a enemigos cercanos.<br/><Bullet/> Se considera una granada de apoyo en lo referente a las habilidades de los soldados."
ThrownAbilityName="Activar Carga Hueca"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Destruye objetos del entorno."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lanzar Carga Hueca"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Destruye objetos del entorno."


Happy to help.

I'm a native speaker, so i hope this fits like a charm into the mod. If there are any mistakes or something you wish to change, feel free to do so. The Spanish i have used is the european Spanish version (the one spoken in most Spain), not the international one.

Thanks a lot for all your great work on the mod.


Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:03 pm
by Henry_G

FriendlyName="Carica Cava"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cariche Cave"
BriefSummary="Un piccolo esplosivo progettato per abbattere muri."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Carica Cava ha un raggio ed un'area d'effetto limitati, non causa ferite ai nemici anche se usata con un Lanciagranate.<br/><Bullet/> È molto rumorosa ed allarmerà i nemici nelle vicinanze.<br/><Bullet/> È considerata una granata di supporto."
ThrownAbilityName="Applica Carica Cava"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Distrugge oggetti ambientali."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lancia Carica Cava"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Distrugge oggetti ambientali."

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:26 pm
by raserhin

FriendlyName="Carga Hueca"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cargas Huecas"
BriefSummary="Un pequeño explosivo diseñado para derribar paredes"
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Carga Hueca tiene un área y rango de efecto limitado y no causará daños, incluso cargada en un lanzagranadas.<br/><Bullet/> Es muy ruidoso y alertará a los enemigos cercanos.<br/><Bullet/> Para el propósito de las ventajas, es considerada como una granada de apoyo."
ThrownAbilityName="Establece Carga Hueca"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Destruye objetos del terreno"
LaunchedAbilityname="Lanza Carga Hueca"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Destruye objetos del terreno"

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:28 pm
by Mazi
Glad to help you guys


FriendlyName="Carica Cava"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cariche Cave"
BriefSummary="Un piccolo esplosivo progettato per abbattere le pareti."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> La Carica Cava ha gittata ed area d'effetto limitate e non provoca ferite, anche se caricata in un Lanciagranate.<br/><Bullet/> E' molto rumorosa e mette in allerta i nemici circostanti.<br/><Bullet/> In merito alle abilità associate, viene considerata come una granata di supporto."
ThrownAbilityName="Piazza una Carica Cava"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Distrugge gli elementi dello scenario."
LaunchedAbilityname="Lancia una Carica Cava"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Distrugge gli elementi dello scenario."

PS: i used the official military term for that kind of explosive.

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:41 pm
by johnnylump
Thanks! You guys are great! The duplicates are because a whole bunch of new people joined the forum to post at once and their posts got stuck in the approval queue. Just Japanese and Simplified Chinese to go ...

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:54 pm
by rifleman
Sorry for keep you waiting.
**Simplified Chinese**

TacticalText="<Bullet/> 成型炸药的射程和作用范围有限,即使用榴弹发射器发射也无法造成伤害。<br/><Bullet/> 它会发出巨大的声音,并惊动附近的敌人。<br/><Bullet/> 鉴于该技能的初衷,它被视为支援型榴弹。"

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:27 pm
by Ken_arrozal
Thank you for a great mod.


TacticalText="<Bullet/> 成形炸薬は限られた射程と効果範囲を持ち、たとえグレネードランチャーに装填されていてもダメージを与えない。<br/><Bullet/> 大きな音を発するため、近くの敵は警戒態勢に入る。<br/><Bullet/>アビリティにおいては、サポートグレネードとして扱われる。"

Re: Crowdsourcing translations: Shaped Charges

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:50 pm
by Core
**Brazilian Portuguese**

FriendlyName="Carga Moldada"
FriendlyNamePlural="Cargas Moldadas"
BriefSummary="Um pequeno explosivo projetado para derrubar paredes"
TacticalText="<Bullet/> A Carga Moldada tem área de efeito e alcance limitados e não causará ferimentos, mesmo se carregada num lança granadas.<br/><Bullet/> ela produz muito barulho e irá alertar inimigos próximos.<br/><Bullet/> No propósito de perks ela é tratada como uma granada de suporte."
ThrownAbilityName="Armar Carga Moldada"
ThrownAbilityHelpText="Destrói objetos no ambiente"
LaunchedAbilityname="Lançar Carga Moldada"
LaunchedAbilityHelpText="Destrói objetos no ambiente"

I used "perks" because I don't know what your other translators have been calling perks, as they can be understood as perks or have three other names, will change if needed.