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Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:51 pm
by infidel901
Drones are too powerful in the first few missions: the armor rating negates too much damage from xcom standard weapons, soaking damage from 3 or 4 shots too often. On missions where you are forced to infil only 4 or 5 on a team, that becomes unduly burdensome.
I suggest nerfing armor by at least 1 point of absorption.
In the meantime, anyone know where the location of that is in the config files, and how i might do it myself?

Twice now, i have had a reinforcement pack teleport on top of me, no warning about reinforcements coming, and no animation of a dropship. I suspect this is a Bug.
In the meantime, does anyone know where i can nerf the reinforcement size? 3 seem much more reasonable. I could see it scaling up later, but in the first two weeks, reinforcements of 4 coming in right into your current firefight, seems crazy.

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:06 pm
by 8wayz
On Drones:

The File you are looking for is XComGameData_CharacterStats.ini (LW_Overhaul/Config)

Check lines 2834 and 2917, for example :

I tend to use one frag grenade to shred the armour and do some damage, you can then finish it off in 1-2 shots. Combat Protocol (on a Specialist) kills outright a drone as well.

On Reinforcements:

I will need to look that up, but 4 is a manageable number. One Shinobi can Slash/Fleche the first, you can have an Assault get the second one (with Run and Gun if need be) and then Flashbang the remaining two if you do not have enough firepower. Rockets and grenades work best at the beginning since your soldiers tend to have terrible aim.

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:11 pm
by Arcalane
infidel901 wrote:2)
Twice now, i have had a reinforcement pack teleport on top of me, no warning about reinforcements coming, and no animation of a dropship. I suspect this is a Bug.
If you're playing on any difficulty above Rookie, you won't see the arrival flares. This is to make it harder to predict where they will arrive, and make it so you don't just slap down acid/fire/proximity mines/etc. on the flare to remove them the instant they arrive. As a rule of thumb, the AI will try to deploy where it thinks it can do the most damage to your team. If you have a group that's somewhat spread out and engaged on one front, they may drop right into the middle of you in order to disrupt you.

That said, the dropship animation not playing seems like it might be a bug.

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:22 pm
by mattprice516
Did any animation play? Did they teleport in from a portal, or was it just no animation at all?

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:31 pm
by infidel901
No animation whatsoever.

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:23 pm
by Hunter
I have seen this as well. No animation, just a noise like a teleporter or 'flash' sound, and there they are.

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:58 am
by infidel901
Just happened again, but this time, there was a psychic portal (purple) accompanying the teleportation. There was a sectoid, and 3 advent.

Re: Teleporting reinforcements and armored drones

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:54 am
by Arcalane
infidel901 wrote:Just happened again, but this time, there was a psychic portal (purple) accompanying the teleportation. There was a sectoid, and 3 advent.
This is intentional, at least. Only ADVENT forces have animations for deploying from dropships, so all alien forces arrive by the purple teleporter thingy instead.

A Better ADVENT made pretty extensive use of it.