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Keep getting Vanilla Grenadier // Can't get back Aiming Angles or Flank Bonus

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:49 am
by marshmallowjustice
Hi guys, 2 issues.


I read on another post you can get back the Aiming Angles/Flank bonus, which I did (used the numbers from Mertius' SWR Aiming Angles mod and put it in the LW Overhaul's XComGame or whatever it was in, but in-game it didn't show up at all). I flanked a guy in a test run, yellow icon and all, and I didn't get a single bonus at all? Seems kind of silly to me. How can I get it back, because this way didn't work.


Also, every time I rank up my guys to squaddie, I'm getting a vanilla Grenadier in the mix now. I don't know why. These are my mods regarding classes, they are *after* Long War 2 in load order:

Disable Any Class (to disable the following custom classes - all I want from them is their skills in the game code so I can use them in the LW2 classes later)
Grimy's Anarchist Class
LW Tank Class
Lucubrations Infantry/Sniper Class
Escalation Classes
Saboteur Class
CPU Custom Class.

Now I had a full 20 roster of perfectly console'd in rank ups (no vanilla Grenadier) before I combed through all my old mods and added them back in after LW2, so something has changed since. An easy way for me to fix it is to simply use my zzzCustomConfig folder and change the old vanilla Grenadier to have the exact same skills as LW2 Grenadier, but does anyone know what's going on before I do that?