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Some thoughts and suggestions

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:11 pm
by laestic

so far : great time banging my head in my Commander quarter on how to balance between low supplies,, low intel, low staff and rush hours at the infirmary. Really, the game is completely different, much tougher in the starting monthes, with so many decisions to make so early.

On the good side, I really enjoy true infiltration : a specially-trained Shinobi (identy undisclosed, codename 'Cobra') with my first Elite suppressor, no utilities except the Frost grenade for more mobility, Ghostwalker etc... She had success in freeing 2 high-profile VIPs already in almost-suicidal missions (2d5h for example) Not a single shot, no blood, just the shadow.

On the bad side, I had a "Sabotage monument" mission (like the original Gatecrasher) and as it was short in inflitration I sent just a guy, for pre-mission objectives didn't state to wipe'em all in addition to plating C4 and evac'. Was quite upset, I would have send more soldiers to at least try it ; it's already hot as planting C4 breaks concealment, plus u have to call for evac (breaker as well). Why keeping the need to kill all opponents ?

Also, I read on this forum it's really possible to know the infiltration deadline beforehands with moving with the Avenger by hovering the mission icon on the Geoscape, but this is not user-friendly at all. I wonder how many "hours" I lost in transportation just to ignore those missions after discovering timer, esp. in the early game. Is is by design, to make the Commander feel rushed to move ?

With regards.