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Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:55 pm
by Goldseeker
On my first escort mission I got 12 turn timer to get a VIP to a place that is at least 10 turns away at sprint.
Is this intended? Why bother having soldiers on such mission at all in this case? Just deploy 1 soldier get max infiltration and hope that you will dodge/evade every enemy on your way to evac.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:12 pm
by code99
Timers are rather brutal, not always but in a lot of cases ... I personally increased them by 2 turns and its manageable altho some missions i find to be next to impossible to do even with the 2 turn increase.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:18 pm
by 8wayz
With average speed of 12 (roughly 12 per turn) tiles on soldiers after adding utility items. you would need a map that is at least 120X120 tiles to get to an objective that it is 10 turns away.

For reference, in original XCOM2 most maps were 50x50 tiles. In Long War 2 most maps are close to that size, I can get to the objective in 3 turns dashing with every soldier. If you want to go around some pods, make that 6 turns.

Are you using some additional map mods?

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:42 pm
by Goldseeker
No additional mods. I've measured the distance with ny "starts-consealed" soldier it is actually 9 turn on sprint( it is an urban area so i can't always run in a strait line) withou any additional speed items - this is the first mission after the fstarting one. How is it interesting to have to use majority of time limit to just to get to an evac point? Even without time limit wasting 8 turns on movement only is boring. Enjoyed the first long war, but will have to skip this one if this is the design they went for.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:45 pm
by 8wayz
I have yet to encounter a map where the objective was more than 40 tiles away from my soldiers (diagonally). As pointed out, even if you have to go around a building or two, or climb on a roof, it will rarely take you more than 6 turns just to get to the objective without fighting.

Can you provide a save file ?

Might be a bug with the new 1.1 version.

P.S. What is the Mobility of your soldiers?

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:22 pm
by Goldseeker
Forums don't allow to attach saves for some reason, so i've used a random filesharing service:

I've looked at the map again and I think i can rush to evac in 7-8 turns if I choose a straiter path(provided i manage to evade patrol right on the shortest path to evac zone). I gave the problem some though and it is not the timer(it just strenghened my initial reaction) I have the problem with, it is mission/map design that requires you to run to some point for 8 turns, combined with increased squad size it becomes a shore. It is not the distance that should eat away the timer, the enemies should.

Maybe i don't remember vanilla clearly, but I don't think i've encountered such missions in it.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:58 pm
by Devon_v
I don't see the point in sending a squad to VIP extractions. A Shinobi at 200% is literally all you ever need. Send a fast one in naked and approach the evac zone from one of the map edges, never the line of play from deployment. All you have to do is get the VIP within a yellow move of one tile of the evac zone and you win.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:39 pm
by Goldseeker
Yeah and that is exactly the problem with those missions

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:47 pm
by 8wayz
Hey Goldseeker,

Thank you for the save game, will have a go at that mission later.

If you are having trouble with the timer ticking while you are still in concealment, there is always the True Concealment mod.

It is fully compatible with Long War 2 and will give you plenty of time to reach your objective. Beware though, it will take away a good part of the challenge of those extract/save missions.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:45 pm
by GavinRuneblade
Officers also get the ability to add two turns to a mission for 10 intel. Some can do it more than once.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:26 pm
by ShockmasterFred
Goldseeker wrote:On my first escort mission I got 12 turn timer to get a VIP to a place that is at least 10 turns away at sprint.
Is this intended? Why bother having soldiers on such mission at all in this case? Just deploy 1 soldier get max infiltration and hope that you will dodge/evade every enemy on your way to evac.
So many people have fallen in with this hyperbole about how many turns it takes to get to an objective. In a recent video by a LP streamer they said "I need 5 or 6 turns of dashing just to make it to the objective." Then, 3 turns later, they are a blue move away. 10 turns is absurd, even if you have a map pack installed (which, again, it's not the responsibility of the devs to balance their mod for those maps). If you don't have alternative map mods installed, there is no way you had an objective that far away. I get that people don't like the timers, but if you want your objections taken seriously, it would probably behoove you not to engage in that kind of hyperbolic exaggeration.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:50 pm
by JulianSkies
ShockmasterFred wrote:
Goldseeker wrote:On my first escort mission I got 12 turn timer to get a VIP to a place that is at least 10 turns away at sprint.
Is this intended? Why bother having soldiers on such mission at all in this case? Just deploy 1 soldier get max infiltration and hope that you will dodge/evade every enemy on your way to evac.
So many people have fallen in with this hyperbole about how many turns it takes to get to an objective. In a recent video by a LP streamer they said "I need 5 or 6 turns of dashing just to make it to the objective." Then, 3 turns later, they are a blue move away. 10 turns is absurd, even if you have a map pack installed (which, again, it's not the responsibility of the devs to balance their mod for those maps). If you don't have alternative map mods installed, there is no way you had an objective that far away. I get that people don't like the timers, but if you want your objections taken seriously, it would probably behoove you not to engage in that kind of hyperbolic exaggeration.
I know it's not the mission mod maker's job to work with ultra large maps but I wonder if the game couldn't have a form of dynamic adjustment for map size in it's objective and evac zone placements, or maybe even timer.
So that it would only place the important spots within a max distance of each other, or add more timer if it rolls a large map (and reduce if it rolls a tiny map like the Suffer! beach stronghold)

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:26 am
by ShockmasterFred
JulianSkies wrote:
ShockmasterFred wrote:
Goldseeker wrote:On my first escort mission I got 12 turn timer to get a VIP to a place that is at least 10 turns away at sprint.
Is this intended? Why bother having soldiers on such mission at all in this case? Just deploy 1 soldier get max infiltration and hope that you will dodge/evade every enemy on your way to evac.
So many people have fallen in with this hyperbole about how many turns it takes to get to an objective. In a recent video by a LP streamer they said "I need 5 or 6 turns of dashing just to make it to the objective." Then, 3 turns later, they are a blue move away. 10 turns is absurd, even if you have a map pack installed (which, again, it's not the responsibility of the devs to balance their mod for those maps). If you don't have alternative map mods installed, there is no way you had an objective that far away. I get that people don't like the timers, but if you want your objections taken seriously, it would probably behoove you not to engage in that kind of hyperbolic exaggeration.
I know it's not the mission mod maker's job to work with ultra large maps but I wonder if the game couldn't have a form of dynamic adjustment for map size in it's objective and evac zone placements, or maybe even timer.
So that it would only place the important spots within a max distance of each other, or add more timer if it rolls a large map (and reduce if it rolls a tiny map like the Suffer! beach stronghold)
That seems like a rather large request to make, when it's only purpose would be to accommodate a mod that has nothing to do with LW2.

Re: Crazy timers

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:48 am
by JulianSkies
ShockmasterFred wrote:
JulianSkies wrote:
ShockmasterFred wrote:
So many people have fallen in with this hyperbole about how many turns it takes to get to an objective. In a recent video by a LP streamer they said "I need 5 or 6 turns of dashing just to make it to the objective." Then, 3 turns later, they are a blue move away. 10 turns is absurd, even if you have a map pack installed (which, again, it's not the responsibility of the devs to balance their mod for those maps). If you don't have alternative map mods installed, there is no way you had an objective that far away. I get that people don't like the timers, but if you want your objections taken seriously, it would probably behoove you not to engage in that kind of hyperbolic exaggeration.
I know it's not the mission mod maker's job to work with ultra large maps but I wonder if the game couldn't have a form of dynamic adjustment for map size in it's objective and evac zone placements, or maybe even timer.
So that it would only place the important spots within a max distance of each other, or add more timer if it rolls a large map (and reduce if it rolls a tiny map like the Suffer! beach stronghold)
That seems like a rather large request to make, when it's only purpose would be to accommodate a mod that has nothing to do with LW2.
Oh no, that was less a wondering about LW2 itself and more wondering if another mod/the base game could create that functionality to ensure better interactions between various mods.