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Officer Skills List & Mechanics

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:06 am
by gftgy
Since the ufopaedia isn't complete and I couldn't find this information elsewhere, here is a list of the officer perks. The bolded abilities still require mechanic clarifications. If you can contribute, please do. Here is what I have so far:

Command (rank 0): End your turn to grant a bonus action to any visible member of the squad. Gains additional charges at ranks 3, 5, and 7. Second and first lieutenants have one charge; captains and majors have two charges; lieutenants and full colonels have three charges; and field commanders have four charges. Cannot be used on units on overwatch or suppressing another target. Command range begins at 8.1 tiles and increases by one tile per rank. Command range is increased by 30% on Rookie difficulty.

Commissar (rank 0): Execute a mind-controlled ally with your pistol. Shot has +50 to hit, cannot be dodged, and automatically kills the target if a hit occurs. Requires one action and ends the soldier's turn.

Intervention (rank 0): Activate this ability to spend 10 intel and gain two turns on the current mission timer. Gains one charge with each rank.

Leadership (rank 0): This officer provides soldiers serving under their command a bonus 1 Will (max 40), 1 Dodge (max 20), and a small bonus to infiltration for each mission. The infiltration bonus is equivalent to the difference between equipping an assault rifle and a submachine gun after 34 missions, which is its maximum. Unknown if this bonus is persistent or only active when serving under the officer. Also unknown whether the officer receives the bonus, or, if permanent, if an officer can receive this bonus by serving under another officer.

You'll Need This (rank 0): Anytime you equip a pistol (of any technology level), you carry a spare conventional pistol that you can hand to any adjacent civilian ally who does not already have a pistol. The spare pistol does not impose a weight penalty on this soldier, but the ally will incur a one-mobility penalty when receiving the sidearm.

Oscar Mike (rank 1): Spend an action to give all allies within Command Range +3 Mobility for the remainder of the turn. Usable once per mission.

Focus Fire (rank 1): Spend an action to pinpoint a target and grant your squad cumulative aim bonuses and 1 armor piercing on attacks against that target for the rest of the turn. Each successive direct weapon attack against the target in the same turn grants an additional +5 aim bonus. Three-turn cooldown.

Incoming! (rank 2): Reduces damage from explosives by four for one turn for all non-panicked, non-suppressing allies in Command range. 5-turn cooldown. No action cost. Unknown if this ability affects the officer.

Get Some (rank 2): Increases crit chance for all allies in Command range by 20%. Consumes an action, lasts one turn, has two charges. Unknown if this ability affects the officer.

Fall Back! (rank 3): A visible target non-overwatching, non-suppressing soldier who has expended their actions will take a random defensive action. "They will usually seek a safer position or Hunker Down." No action cost. 4-turn cooldown. Unknown list of "defensive actions."

Jammer (rank 3): Once per battle, delay the arrival of incoming enemy reinforcements by one turn. If no reinforcements are reported as inbound, it will instead delay future reinforcements. Consumes an action.

Lead by Example (rank 4): If the officer's Aim, Will, or Hack stats are higher than any soldier within Command range, that soldier gains bonuses to those scores equal to half the difference between the officer and soldier.

Collector (rank 4): Non-human kills have a 33% chance to gain one intel if the officer is conscious when the kill occurred.

Fire Discipline (rank 5): +10 Aim to allies' reaction fire shots in Command range. Unknown if this is an action or aura, or if it affects the officer.

Defilade (rank 5): Soldiers in Command range gain +5 Defense when in cover. Unknown if this is an action or aura, or if it affects the officer. Unknown if this affects SPARKS and allied MECs.

Air Controller (rank 6): Skyranger arrives two turns sooner for evacuations. Unknown if this is an action or persistent effect.

Infiltrator (rank 6): Reduces squad infiltration time by 15%. Unknown if this has an affect on detection radius in mission.

Combined Arms (rank 7): All allies in Command range deal +1 damage with attacks. Unknown if this is an action or aura, or if it affects the officer.

Scavenger (rank 7): Bonus 30% Elerium and Alien Alloys from missions, ~35% chance to recover Elerium or Alloy from a killed alien, max 3. Officer must be conscious at the end of the mission.

Re: Officer Skills List

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:48 pm
by GavinRuneblade
In the options there is a choice to show locked perks. Turn that on and you can see them all

Re: Officer Skills List

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:26 pm
by gftgy
It was more of a question regarding the specific mechanics regarding certain officer skills. I've updated the original post to be more precise.