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Need a solid answers on Haven Rebels doing "intel"

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:54 am
by Daegog
Does anyone know FOR CERTAIN (ie, has seen johnny mention it or has seen code verifying) any of the following:

1) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of time you get to infiltrate missions.

2) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of intel rewards you get from missions.

3) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: As any an effect (good or bad) on Advent strength in a region.

4) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of loot bearing enemies during missions.

5) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the chance that faceless will appear in that haven.

Now i am fairly sure that 2 is correct, cause it makes the most sense to me, but i have no idea on the others. Just rumors or guesstimations made by players, can anyone share concrete info on this?

Re: Need a solid answers on Haven Rebels doing "intel"

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:45 am
by wei270
1) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of time you get to infiltrate missions.

2) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of intel rewards you get from missions.

3) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: As any an effect (good or bad) on Advent strength in a region.

4) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of loot bearing enemies during missions.

5) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the chance that faceless will appear in that haven.
1) Yes that is certain, but what is uncertain is the exact nature of mission detection.
We know that some mission will be in the back ground regardless of weather you collecting intel or not. Some mission can happen because you are collecting intel, example being advent bring in reinforcement because you are collecting intel. So how does the system decide when you detect missions. the mission are running on its own timer, we know collecting intel help you detect the mission, and since missions are on a timer, the point in time which you detect them will determine how much time is left for you to infiltrate.

an observation i have made is that some time in you collect a large sum of int from mission reward or hacking reward you are immediately presented with a mission detection. so i suspect that the mission detection system work similar to the infiltration threshold system where once you collect certain amount of int that hit their threshold number you are presented with a mission detection 100% of the time if you are in between threshold it is a probabilistic system.

2)not idea, but hey since a lot of mission reward are intel you do end up getting more intel from the increaseed number of mission detection. (assuming you do them of course)

3)if your rebels are collecting intel in a region advent will eventually transfer troops in to that region(same with supply and recruit), in the form of supply mission that you can ambush, if you don't ambush the reinforcements that were sent advent region strength will go up by 1.

4)no idea, why does it even matter lol

5) not true directly at least. there is only one way to get faceless in your rank, that is every time you get a new haven rebel personnel there is a 16% chance (can depend on update or your own modification) that particular rebel is a faceless, this unfortunately include the starting rebel in non contracted region. if your newly contracted rebel haven has 4 rebels, each of them has 16% chance of being faceless. not sure if your starting 6 rebel also suffer from that cancer.

but again if you are collection more intel it means you are doing more mission so chance you getting more rebel increase and etc chance of faceless increase 16% per new rebel.

Re: Need a solid answers on Haven Rebels doing "intel"

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:06 am
by TyreT
Daegog wrote:Does anyone know FOR CERTAIN (ie, has seen johnny mention it or has seen code verifying) any of the following:

1) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of time you get to infiltrate missions.

2) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of intel rewards you get from missions.

3) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: As any an effect (good or bad) on Advent strength in a region.

4) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the amount of loot bearing enemies during missions.

5) Rebels in a Haven Doing Intel: Increases the chance that faceless will appear in that haven.
1) I'm with wei270 on this one. What I saw in the code seems to confirm what he(she?) said.

2) Since intel-rewards are defined in the ini(a flat value IntelBaseReward and IntelRangePercent for a variance), I don't think I likely that rebels on the intel job increase this. But I didn't do any codediving on this.

3) As wei270 said.

4) there is a TimedLootPerMission defined in XComGameData.ini . This seems to be the maximum of possible loot drops in one mission and i'm inclinded to think it is static. Which would mean the intel job has no effect on this.

5) as mentioned by wei270, faceless chance is static and per new rebel. There is a DEFAULT_FACELESS_CHANCE value in XComLW_Outposts.ini that defines this chance. There is no sign of variance here. As a side note, I don't think the starting 6 rebels are excempt from this chance, since I lost one of my starting 6 when taking down the first faceless(which would mean that one was said faceless).

Re: Need a solid answers on Haven Rebels doing "intel"

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:33 am
by trihero
1) on average yes. The precise way it works is there are missions going on all the time with durations, but you detect them at random times during their lifetime. The more rebels on intel, the better chance you have of detecting them earlier in their lifetime

2) nope
3) nope, not directly anyways, if you have more than 3 rebels on any nonhiding job you have a chance of getting mini-retaliated against, not specific to intel. Advent strength goes up the more missions you successfully do in an area, that's the main rule
4) nope
5) nope, if you want to catch faceless more often put officers as advisers

You're overthinking rebels on intel, 1) is the main purpose, it's to generate you missions with good duration