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Haven Advisor in squad

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:04 am
by bertolomio

i have been playing quite a lot of LW2 now. I really enjoy it so far, even if i did not go too far in my many campaign attempts :D

I want to give some feedback since i think you are sensitive to it. I have been struggling with squad management. I think this is a great idea and to be honest a time saver for mission preparation. I am always trying to pick one squad to offer an adviser to each haven. I make squad of 6-7 and therefore always one guy is left behind depending on the mission type. My issue is that i have to swap in and out because adivser are not allowed to be in squad.
Therefore i would like you to make it possible for an adviser to be in a squad. This way it make it simple when needed to take him on acitive duty and leave someone from the same squad in in place.

I hope this is possible and that there is no game breaking thing behind it.

Anyways, thank for the great work, Can t wait to see what you will do on your own.

Re: Haven Advisor in squad

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:00 pm
by themefund
Agreed. This is a good idea. The same mechanics for wounded soldiers could apply: the haven adviser (when on active advisement duty) would simply be unavailable for the mission, but not off the team entirely.

Re: Haven Advisor in squad

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:36 pm
by cmdrspyker92
Having to go through multiple screens to adjust haven advisers can be a bit of a pain. There's no incentive for the soldier leveling up to not just be whatever major soldier you don't need that mission. (at least not visually to the player) theres no time up and time down on reallocating the soldier.

This plays into annoyances with squad management, but its also kind of exploitable as well.

Re: Haven Advisor in squad

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:06 pm
by Zerikin
Having to remove them from a squad is an annoyance.

Re: Haven Advisor in squad

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:52 pm
by Tuhalu
cmdrspyker92 wrote:Having to go through multiple screens to adjust haven advisers can be a bit of a pain. There's no incentive for the soldier leveling up to not just be whatever major soldier you don't need that mission. (at least not visually to the player) theres no time up and time down on reallocating the soldier.

This plays into annoyances with squad management, but its also kind of exploitable as well.
Every time you change the job on a haven rebel, you lose that day to the changeover (no intel, supply or recruiting done). It would be consistent if you get no recruiting or infiltrator hunting done on the day you change soldiers.