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[Suggestion] Resistance members management between safehouses.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:44 pm
by Uberosh
Some background:
When l'am started infiltration on Advent's Region Millitary Center, later after 4 days happened Advent's Raid on one of my safehouses - decided sacrifice it because best guys with same equipment and who could defend it was busy. And here l got "surprise"! Infiltration don't work on part 2 region release missions was 50 enemies, for example basic mission with 10-20% gives versus you 25-30 enemies + ~8 reinforcements = 33-38. This resulted in literally dead safehouse (Advent kills/aresting ALL resistance members in attacked safehouse if skip this mission), l guess should appear mission to rescue these guys (atleast part of them), but after !80 Days! still won't do happened.

In XCOM:EU+EW (maybe also in X-COM, the grandpa) was feature with airplanes which we could move between continents for ~3 days, this will be cool if we could move our Resistance Members between safehouses with some adjustments:
  • Resistance Members can be sended in groups up to 5.
  • Before send, resistance members can be little prepared - get documents, supported by one xcom operative during entire travel.
  • During travel could (or not) happen various troubles with Advent: (concoct only one event :|)
    • Way closed by (small/medium/large) checkpoint, what we can do with it:
      • Attack now/Try sneak through post. If Advent's Power is low and small/medium checkpoint (1-3) this is should be best choice, target will reach specific territory in stealth or clean from enemies entire checkpoint, because alerted enemies will chase.
      • Use documents, lol. Unavaliable if before send not give it, every continent requires own documents, cost 5 intel per 1 document on 1 member. Needed be created for all members in group.
      • Request XCOM Operatives team. Target will clean from enemies entire checkpoint WITHOUT LOOT (exclude drops from bodies which was taked by soldiers individually)
      • Search another way, results in increase travel time (atleast 1 day+)
    • Travel Events appear Chance depends of Advent's Power in both regions by averange number
      • Example: 1st from where we go has 7 Advent's Power, 2nd to where we go has 3 = 10 Advent's Power, but this will be wrong so here we need averange number which equal 5
        (a + b / 2 = averange)
      • Second possible implementation is split total travel time on two parts and each will have own chance and will work only one part
        depends of how much time left.
This might be absurd idea, because Resistance has allied with XCOM, this means Avenger or Firebrand can help travel.

upd1: Forget about tip from chief's cabinet, this not worked for me... like l said, 80 days (sended soldier was level 2 - corporal). Maybe l just unlucky ;(