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DLC mission is missing

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:03 pm
by comes4free
Hi all!

I've bought full XCOM 2 on Steam as preorder, sorry for poor English. That means I have all DLCs, Alien Hunters & Shen's Last Gift.
Month ago I've got LW2 via Steam and started the campaign. I think it was LW2 1.1.
On start I've got a scan on worldmap that gave me a frost bomb, hunter axe, unique pistol and crossbow. That confirms I'd select Alien Hunters DLC on start.
Approximately first summer I've got the task about Shen and SPARK, and later I'd finished it. I've got a robot operative named like SPARK-001 ("ИСКРА-001" in ru-ru loc). Few in-game months ago I've got... another same task about Shen and SPARK (forgotten facility). I've completed it one more time and got second "ИСКРА-001", numbers matters. I think I've got second SPARK task on map after LW2 1,2 update, but I'm not sure.
Now is about Christmas in game, I have 2 regions liberated, 1 alien facility owned, almost all researches done and so on. I have a pass to the Gate and Blacksite, I can try to finish game immediately. Campaign difficulty is "Rookie". There are still no sign on my map about Alien Nest to get Viper King and other cool armor.

I fear Alien Kings will not appear in that game. I've played it on evenings after work for about a one month of life on min diff. just to look at new LW2 content and I've found it much addictive. I don't want to start a new campaign. Please give me step-by-step instructions to reactivate Alien Nest task in current campaign if it is possible or give some explanations about subj.
I know almost nothing about mods and configs in Firaxis XCOM but I have an IT profession and can deal with any exact instructions.

By the way, I have another strange bug. Enemies taking 10+ damage from fire in one turn when they being flamed by tier 3 sword. This takes places in only cases when enemy dies on first turn with fire. Last bug, dark events applying earlier than task about preventing it expires. Difference is about one hour but I need to manually interrupt infiltrating process and start.

Except that, my LW2 gaming experience is too smooth and I'm grateful to Pavonis Interactive!

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:52 pm
by Devon_v
They're still trying to figure out why the DLC missions don't always work correctly. They made a change in 1.2 that may have helped, but they're still working on it. Dark Events triggering before they expire is supposed to be fixed in 1.3 I believe.

The Nest might be permanently missing from your campaign because it started in 1.1. For some reason the DLC missions cannot be added to a campaign that is already running. (This happened even in vanilla)

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:07 am
by seananigans
I still haven't seen Alien Hunters, but on the up side, I just got my 5th ROV-R signal PoI /sarcasm

It's getting really old having these stupid Shen missions eat up all my PoI rewards.

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:45 am
by comes4free
Devon_v wrote:The Nest might be permanently missing from your campaign because it started in 1.1. For some reason the DLC missions cannot be added to a campaign that is already running. (This happened even in vanilla)
This is not the same as vanilla. Yes, you can't add whole DLC line into existing campaign, but I've got crossbow, frost bomb and so on already... I thought it could be some known number or bit in ini text or hex for manual override to trigger, if mod dev ruling the conditions to spawn DLC missions from patch to patch...
Thanks for entering me into mod status. Is it possible to figure when Pavonis will finish major fixes on LW2 so I'll can wait and return to new game later? Month, or two, or six? Or they are already there? This mod really consumes most of my free time last month :D so I must end it or abandon it for a while and wait for more stable version...

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:50 am
by plasman
Shen's last gift is one of my favorite mission, so I don't mind redoing it again and again. You get free SPARKs and it's a good training ground for (properly equiped) rookies/squadies. Thanks to this bug I was able to field an entire squad of 5 SPARKS for free. :D

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:20 am
by comes4free
I have a sniper with Shredder and Bring'em On, it needs Icarus armor so badly... :)
And trying kings with this new LW classes seems to be too interesting.

On the other side, sparks can be manufactured, squaddies can be engaged in zero infiltration mission with top squad, especially if you have right equip for them. Shen's Gift mission is too long and boring for replay, I think I will ignore this if third time appear.

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:58 am
by AlexTFish
There is a console command to trigger the Alien Nest, if you're fed up with waiting for it to happen normally.

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:16 pm
by comes4free
This is what I'm asking for. Can you give some details, please?

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:46 am
by AlexTFish
The console command, according to this thread:

Code: Select all

LWForceMission AlienNest WorldRegion_EastNA
And details on how to activate the console are in this thread: in Steam's "launch properties" or the Mod Launcher's "settings", add the property "-allowconsole" (without quotes but with the dash). Then in-game you can open the console with the ~ or \ key (varies by region).

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 6:07 am
by comes4free
Thank you.

I've found that after previous message but thread tells this probably can provoke some problems with campaign and kings normal spawn so I've feared to try now. Please confirm if checked that calling PoI from console is safe and needs only one command without fixing later.
I also found that in LW2 I need to take Lead missions in order to get The Nest PoI, if I understood right (please confirm). But I've played till Dec or Jan taking only missions with corpses loot, counter events and urgent Council missions, sorry again for my English - dunno how to name it all in original. I've played it on Rookie with zero infiltration with one powered squad.
So I've decided to play as I'm playing further and try to take more Lead missions. Console solution will be applied later if nothing will change.

Re: DLC mission is missing

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:45 am
by AlexTFish
Yes, in order to get basically any POI you need to take missions with "Find a Lead" objective or "Intel Package" rewards. That includes Lost Towers, Alien Nest, and any other special POI missions.

I'm afraid I can't personally confirm the console command works as I haven't tried it myself.