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Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:08 pm
by Exquisitor
I've been playing LW2 since it was released. I'm about to finish my 3rd successful campaign out of about 7-8 attempts. I play on veteran and I've really enjoyed the mod. I have a few suggestions to improve QoL or game play.

First, move rendering to the proving ground. It makes more sense there than in research. It also would improve the uses for an otherwise empty proving ground queue. There are already plenty of things in the research queue and too few in the proving ground queue.

Second, reduce the time for Golden Path missions. They are ridiculously long and that ties up a lot of troopers for other missions. The argument that one should liberate the region first is specious. You may save a few extra days out of 40 or more. Really not fun. If this fix is in an *.ini, then someone post the fix please.

Third, improve the placement of some of the end game toys. I've only received dragon rounds, fusion blade, and muton ablative armor exactly once each in my campaigns. I have never received the mimic beacon, the proximity mine, advanced grenade launcher, etc. These were fun toys in vanilla, they should be easier to obtain in LW2.

Fourth, a simple QoL fix would be to give the values for the haven resistance numbers (e.g., 4:4:4:1) in the actual haven management screen. There's enough micromanagement already that having this simple fix would facilitate moving these numbers around.

Fifth, I think this fix is in 1.3, but the PCS issue needs to be resolved. When I use an implant on an soldier from the mission loading screen, about 1 in 8 or so don't register. I've seen this now in all of my 1.2 campaigns. Annoying!

Thanks for the great mod! It's been quite a distraction from my work!

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 9:14 pm
by LordYanaek
Exquisitor wrote:First, move rendering to the proving ground. It makes more sense there than in research. It also would improve the uses for an otherwise empty proving ground queue. There are already plenty of things in the research queue and too few in the proving ground queue.
Agreed that it would make a lot more sense. Some research might have to be slightly longer to maintain the current pacing but that definitely looks like a job for Shen.
Second, reduce the time for Golden Path missions. They are ridiculously long and that ties up a lot of troopers for other missions. The argument that one should liberate the region first is specious. You may save a few extra days out of 40 or more. Really not fun. If this fix is in an *.ini, then someone post the fix please.
Here you go (this is in XComLW_InfiltrationSettings.ini)

Code: Select all

; Typical infiltration time to 100%, for median settings
; This is a great big lever to influence mission and campaign difficulty



I actually think liberation should have a larger impact on infiltration timers rather than reducing the base timer. The trick i learned only recently is that liberation only reduces the base infiltration time but have no effect on squadsize infiltration time which is a big factor on those missions if you want to infiltrate a real squad rather than just stealth them. I actually like the fact that they take a lot of time to prepare in enemy territory (those are high security compounds) but in liberated regions it should be more manageable, especially considering liberation is a big task on itself.
Third, improve the placement of some of the end game toys. I've only received dragon rounds, fusion blade, and muton ablative armor exactly once each in my campaigns. I have never received the mimic beacon, the proximity mine, advanced grenade launcher, etc. These were fun toys in vanilla, they should be easier to obtain in LW2.
Some of those are already planned for 1.3.
Fourth, a simple QoL fix would be to give the values for the haven resistance numbers (e.g., 4:4:4:1) in the actual haven management screen. There's enough micromanagement already that having this simple fix would facilitate moving these numbers around.
I don't really understand that one.
Fifth, I think this fix is in 1.3, but the PCS issue needs to be resolved. When I use an implant on an soldier from the mission loading screen, about 1 in 8 or so don't register. I've seen this now in all of my 1.2 campaigns. Annoying!
As you said, should be fixed in 1.3. Note that the PCS are actually applied (if they were stat boosting PCS) and merged with the soldier so this bug eventually allowed you to create some uber soldiers by repeatedly applying aim PCS for instance.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 9:53 pm
by Exquisitor
For the haven management QoL fix, in the global view and in the haven management menu you can easily see the number of resistance workers assigned to each task (S:4, I:4, R:4, H:1). However, in the menu for each individual haven, these sums aren't visible, so you have to manually count each sum or make a note to remember each sum. I'm simply suggesting that the sums be placed at the top of the haven management screen for each haven. I know it's trivial, but it would make it easier to see where to shift resistance workers within their own region.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:58 am
by sarge945
I know it doesn't make much sense, but adding rendering to the Defence Matrix might actually give me a reason to build that (otherwise mostly useless) room.

The DM should be made more useful in general

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 5:13 am
by Jacke
I'd like to see rendering changed to not preventing tech tree Research. However, rendering is very important early on to get vitally needed Alien Alloys and Elerium Crystals when those are quite rare. Putting rendering in another room like the Proving Ground or the Defence Matrix means those will have to be built before rendering is available. And rendering in the Proving Ground also slows PG projects.

Perhaps have rendering directly available in Engineering or Research but in a way that doesn't stop other work would be a better solution.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:12 pm
by Exquisitor
Jacke's suggestion of having rendering be a side bar in Engineering would also work. I think the Proving Ground usually comes in early enough that it would fit well there. You're right that there are a lot of items already in the Proving Ground, but many aren't really worth building, because supplies are too limited. In addition, if one has to render ore or crystal as Research first, the they become almost too precious or expensive to use in most PG projects. I'd rather see the research advance rather than build something in the PG that isn't mission critical.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:17 am
by DaviBones
Problem with the proving ground rendering suggestion is it would delay tracer rounds, nanofibre vests, anything that requires an autopsy, and most importantly, laser weapons, for an amount of time almost completely at the mercy of rng -- you need 5 alloys 3 elerium to start hybrid materials, you start with 3 and 3, so rendering 1 trooper corpse allows you to research it. If you get super unlucky and can't find any alloys on smash 'n' grabs, and no troop columns spawn, it could be months before you get the opportunity to research it. I suppose you could get them from the black market but that's a pretty big sacrifice to have to make when you could have just sacrificed a single trooper corpse and a couple days of research.

Re: Suggestions

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:47 am
by Jacke
DaviBones wrote:Problem with the proving ground rendering suggestion is it would delay tracer rounds, nanofibre vests, anything that requires an autopsy, and most importantly, laser weapons, for an amount of time almost completely at the mercy of rng -- you need 5 alloys 3 elerium to start hybrid materials, you start with 3 and 3, so rendering 1 trooper corpse allows you to research it.
That's why I suggest removing rendering from regular Research, not assign it to another room like the PG or the DM, and make it a separate function available in R&D or Engineering. That way it doesn't depend on building rooms and doesn't slow down Research or PG projects.