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How are Alien Rulers with 1.3?

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 6:31 pm
by moroniccinamun
So, let me start by saying that the changes in 1.3 look great, I was waiting a long time for this.

Being the noobagel I am, I found even veteran/normal too hard, but I found recruit too easy. Maybe now I can have a grand old time.

The biggest thing that always messed me up before were the rulers. The second that Viper King showed up, I lost the mission, period. Either I escaped with some lives, or got wiped out. I'm curious as to if the overall mechanic changes, such as the more lax timers and the pod sizes/numbers make this in anyway easier?

For the record, it was mainly the Viper's pull that ruined everything, which apparently was something many people had issues with. It wasn't just nearly a guarantee kill on the victim (especially when done by the King), it activated so many other enemies it was pretty much salvageable.

So the main question/tldr version: Anyone having good time with Alien Hunters? Should I maybe use some sort of mod/ini edit to make things easier? (the Alien Hunter class-mod looks fun, but looks like last updated in January). Am I better off just disabling it? (I do know about the "enable it but never do the nest so you just get free gear; I find the gear pretty lackluster, also that feels too cheesy). Obviously I want to think this stuff through before starting a new came, cuz yea.