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1.3/1.4 Psi Amp damage?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 3:00 pm
by ThePokepika99
In the patch notes is is stated that Tier 2 and Tier 3 PsiAmps should do more damage and on ufopaedia it states for example that Tier 2 PsiAmp should deal 6-9 damage when using Soulfire. But on my current campaign they are doing vanilla damage of 5-7. Is this correct or is there some problem with my game? I've tried regenerate my configs a few times and removed a few mods which might somehow conflict with this.

Are you guys having the same problem?

Re: 1.3/1.4 Psi Amp damage?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:34 am
by GauravDas
Can confirm Soulfire is not doing more damage with tier 2 Psi Amp. It seems to be picking up damage numbers from XComGameData_WeaponData.ini in "Documents\..\Config" instead of the one in LW mod folder. Modifying the damage numbers of the INI in "Documents\..\Config" changes the damage of Soulfire.
Seems to happen for the Psi abilities only. Damage for other weapons such as LMGs are correctly using the INI in LW mod folder.

Re: 1.3/1.4 Psi Amp damage?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:28 pm
by nmkaplan
The files in that folder can be deleted and will be generated fresh the next time you start the game. This is basically the first thing you should always try when faced with buggy behavior stemming from a mod.

From the pinned thread in the bug report forum:

"If you are have problems with the mod, you should first exit the game and REGENERATE YOUR INI files by deleting all files in \Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config. These will be recreated on your next game start. "

Re: 1.3/1.4 Psi Amp damage?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:32 pm
by GauravDas
I have already tried regenerating config files. Didn't fix anything.

I made a simple mod to print out the T2 Psi Amp damage values.

Code: Select all

static event OnPostTemplatesCreated()
	local WeaponDamageValue Value;

	foreach class'X2Item_DefaultWeapons'.default.PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage(Value)
		`log("TestStuff: PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=" $ Value.Damage $ ", Spread = " $ Value.Spread
			$ ", PlusOne = " $ Value.PlusOne $ ", Crit = " $ Value.Crit $ ", Pierce = " $ Value.Pierce
			$ ", Tag=\"" $ Value.Tag $ "\", DamageType=\"" $ Value.DamageType $ "\")");
The only mods I have active are Long War 2 and this mod. New profile, fresh configs. Result I got was:

Code: Select all

PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=6, Spread = 1, PlusOne = 0, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag="Soulfire", DamageType="Psi")
PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=4, Spread = 0, PlusOne = 25, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag="VoidRift", DamageType="Psi")
PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=10, Spread = 2, PlusOne = 0, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag="NullLance", DamageType="Psi")
For reference the values present in "SteamApps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini" is:

Code: Select all

PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=6, Spread = 1, PlusOne = 0, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag = "Soulfire", DamageType="Psi")
PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=4, Spread = 0, PlusOne = 25, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag = "VoidRift", DamageType="Psi")
PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=9, Spread = 2, PlusOne = 51, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag = "NullLance", DamageType="Psi")
And the values present in "SteamApps\workshop\content\268500\844674609\Config\XComGameData_WeaponData.ini" is:

Code: Select all

PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=7, Spread = 1, PlusOne = 50, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag = "Soulfire", DamageType="Psi")
PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=5, Spread = 0, PlusOne = 75, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag = "VoidRift", DamageType="Psi")
PsiAmpT2_AbilityDamage = (Damage=10, Spread = 2, PlusOne = 0, Crit = 0, Pierce = 0, Tag = "NullLance", DamageType="Psi")
There is clearly something wrong here. It seems like only the last value from LW2's INI is being used.
Can anyone else confirm Soulfire damage with a T2 Psi Amp?

Re: 1.3/1.4 Psi Amp damage?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:56 pm
by nmkaplan
This is pretty good work! I think if you post this in the Bug forum, it's more likely to be seen and responded to by the devs.

Re: 1.3/1.4 Psi Amp damage?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:32 pm
by GauravDas