So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

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Doctor Sticks
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So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Doctor Sticks »

I have decided to let my Sharpshooters use the SMG, so they might make competent scout/officers.

An unintended consequence of this is that they can also use rifles. Not a big deal, until you realize how this interacts with Death From Above. It acts almost like a Serial, as long as you get a kill off elevation, you get another shot. I can only imagine what happens once Alpha Mike Foxtrot hits the field.

I will have to greatly resist the urge to use them with rifles now.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Sines »

I believe that would be relatively easy to deactivate, by the devs if not through the .inis. Assaults have several "Shotgun-Only" skills. I don't think it'd be too hard to render DfA as a Sniper Rifle only skill.

Granted, that's a passive, and the Shotgun skills are all actives, so it might not be exactly the same idea. But I think it could be done.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Dlareh »

Why would your scouts/officers have DfA to begin with? That is not what you choose on that tier for scouts/officers.

I remember in Vanilla XCOM 2, one of my Grenadiers got DfA as their AWC ability. It did in fact behave exactly like Serial with a cannon, pretty crazy with a superior expanded mag.

(Also that Grenadier just happened to be Bradford from the original character pool. It was hilarious watching him mow down ~6 aliens per turn)
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by 8wayz »


No class has a specific-only weapon skills.

There are primary weapon-only skill and the text adapts to the class in question. For example if you have Serial on an Assault, it will say "Kills only made with a shotgun."

@Doctor Sticks -

Not only that, your weapons also have squadsight. ;)
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Garthor »

Lots of skills require "burst weapons". A number of Assault skills require shotguns.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Swiftless »

I thought it would be cool if Snipers could use SMG's and Rifles via a perk. If it were on the same tier as DFA it would counter this problem and sort of 'bake' it into the class. Which would be nice for holo-target specs since I feel like they tend to be deficient for the early part of the game unless you also go officer and even then there's some debate.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by 8wayz »

No skill requires a specific type of weapon. There is no variable in the game code for semi-auto or full-auto weapons as far as I know.

Rapid fire works with both rifles and shotguns, and the latter are definitely not burst weapons.

If you can assign Rapid Fire, Chain shot or any other multishot skills to a Sharpshooter, you will see that it works perfectly well with a sniper rifle. The code only searches for main weapon and which weapons are allowed for that class.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Truefell »

Or they could have made DFA work only once per turn like Implacable.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by fowlJ »

8wayz wrote:No skill requires a specific type of weapon.
This is not correct. You are right that many skills will adapt the description to the currently equipped weapon, but there are some skills (for instance, Slug Shot) that only work with the specified weapon, not with any others.

EDIT: See also the detailed description for Walk Fire:
<Bullet/> Requires a burst-fire weapon; ability will not be available when a shotgun or sniper rifle is equipped as a primary weapon.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by chrisb »

8wayz wrote:No skill requires a specific type of weapon. There is no variable in the game code for semi-auto or full-auto weapons as far as I know.

Rapid fire works with both rifles and shotguns, and the latter are definitely not burst weapons.

If you can assign Rapid Fire, Chain shot or any other multishot skills to a Sharpshooter, you will see that it works perfectly well with a sniper rifle. The code only searches for main weapon and which weapons are allowed for that class.
Street Sweeper, Trench Gun and Slug Shot all require a shotgun.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by 8wayz »

Now you are tempting me to try it out. :)

That code certainly did not exist in any functional form in the original game, so it will be interesting to check if Pavonis managed to add a sub-system of weapon types.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by Tuhalu »

8wayz wrote:Now you are tempting me to try it out. :)

That code certainly did not exist in any functional form in the original game, so it will be interesting to check if Pavonis managed to add a sub-system of weapon types.
This is how they do it in the shotgun perks:

Code: Select all

	InventoryCondition = new class'X2Condition_UnitInventory';
	InventoryCondition.RequireWeaponCategory = 'shotgun';
X2Condition_UnitInventory is a vanilla class, so it's not something new that Pavonis added into the game.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by 8wayz »

Quite right, but you need to add the categories themselves to each weapon.

Anyways, I will try it out in game. If it is working as intended some perks will have a new twist to them.
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Re: So THAT's why Sharpshooters cannot have rifles/SMGs

Post by johnnylump »

The game treats SMGs as another form of rifle, not a separate class like a shotgun or sniper rifle.
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