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Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:10 pm
by sirburton
Simple question. Every utility is a -1. So if I have a medikit or a grenade, and I use it, will that -1 mobility vanish ?

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:24 pm
by fowlJ
No - once you're on the mission your mobility is set, whether you use your items or not.

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:46 pm
by sirburton
fowlJ wrote:No - once you're on the mission your mobility is set, whether you use your items or not.
I was quite sure of the opposite. Wouldn't it be more reasonable? If I have an item with me which causes a weight increase thus decreasing my mobility; If I throw that item away, my mobility won't be affected by that weight increase anymore right?
However, any Ini I could edit to make it working this way ?

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:53 pm
by nmkaplan
In LW1, Rocketeers that fired rockets had +2 mobility after firing rockets. However, this lead to some weird behavior, in which firing rockets conferred by perks (ie. rockets that weren't reducing mobility) would still give extra mobility. This led to rocketeers carrying 5 rockets (at -4) mob having +6 mobility by the end of the mission.

In any case, it seems like a ton of coding work for a very small tactical benefit.

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:14 pm
by 8wayz
Keep in mind that both Xcom 1 and Xcom 2 do not have dynamic inventories. You can not simply remove an item and it will magically vanish, along with its effects.

At the beginning of the mission there is a check for utility items and armor and how they affect your stats. Once that has been calculated, it remains for the entirety of the mission. The only way to modify your stats during the mission is via a script, but even that is not perfect, as per the aforementioned example from Long War 1 above.

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:33 pm
by sirburton
8wayz wrote:Keep in mind that both Xcom 1 and Xcom 2 do not have dynamic inventories. You can not simply remove an item and it will magically vanish, along with its effects.

At the beginning of the mission there is a check for utility items and armor and how they affect your stats. Once that has been calculated, it remains for the entirety of the mission. The only way to modify your stats during the mission is via a script, but even that is not perfect, as per the aforementioned example from Long War 1 above.
Ok I see. I must give up my 'use item=restore mobility' dream. I see it as part of those 'little but still unreasonable' things in the game.
Other example: why using different kind of ammo will cost mobility?
It's reasonable that every soldier is bringing some mags in order to use his primary weapon. The only thing is that vanilla mags are just 'invisible' in the menus, but they're reasonably there. Then why should changing the type of ammo affect mobility?
I mean, why should it matter my mobility if I bring x vanilla mags or x flechette mags. I hope i'm clear > _ <

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:49 pm
by 8wayz
You are very clear. I for one miss a lot the inventory system of the original Xcom (1994).

Back then I could bring two carriers who had nothing but rockets, blaster bombs and grenades on them, plus possibly a pistol for self defense.

They would find a good enough position safe from enemy fire and place two stacks of heavy ordinance on the ground. The grenadier/rocketeer would position over one of them and start bombarding the UFO/Alien Base. It was glorious, especially with the blaster bombs.

Afterwards, since the carriers had nothing on them, they could run to dead alien bodies and gather any explosives I could use during the mission.

In the current Xcom 2 though you have to accept some abstractions. Or you can simply modify all the ammo in the .ini file to give you +1 Mobility in order to offset their inherent weight in the system.

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:50 pm
by Yenreb
Removing the -1 mobility from special ammo sounds like an easy mod. I've also heard of a special ammo "slot" which is disabled by default but there are mods which enable it.

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:09 pm
by sirburton
8wayz wrote:You are very clear. I for one miss a lot the inventory system of the original Xcom (1994).

Back then I could bring two carriers who had nothing but rockets, blaster bombs and grenades on them, plus possibly a pistol for self defense.

They would find a good enough position safe from enemy fire and place two stacks of heavy ordinance on the ground. The grenadier/rocketeer would position over one of them and start bombarding the UFO/Alien Base. It was glorious, especially with the blaster bombs.

Afterwards, since the carriers had nothing on them, they could run to dead alien bodies and gather any explosives I could use during the mission.

In the current Xcom 2 though you have to accept some abstractions. Or you can simply modify all the ammo in the .ini file to give you +1 Mobility in order to offset their inherent weight in the system.
I see....well that carrier class sound AMAZING, would be fun to have in xcom2, especially with some mod adding nice looking backpacks.
However I think I won't edit the -1 mobility on ammo, since I've reached a quite easy status quo in my campaign, and I don't want to make it easier otherwise it would quickly pass from easy to boring

Re: Using utilities increase mobility?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:37 pm
by Jacke
Alas the old XCOM inventory system got dropped for streamlining in the new XCOM games, despite it being closer to reality. In an infantry section, everyone carries belts for the LMG.
Yenreb wrote:Removing the -1 mobility from special ammo sounds like an easy mod. I've also heard of a special ammo "slot" which is disabled by default but there are mods which enable it.
The mod is Tactical Rigging: Ammo and Grenades (along with Ammo Pocket Fix and TONS of Utility Items to fix bugs). I use it to enable the ammo and grenade pocket for all non-Rookie troops.