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1.4 detection radius

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:30 am
by lumber-chick

First: thank you to Pavonis for this update to LW2, it's brilliant!

How do you guys deal with higher detection radius? Units now seem to routinely have 12-15 tiles detection range. I'm not talking drones - I'm talking ADVENT. For example, on my current mission ADVENT has 15 tiles of detection around their units. It's 55% inflitrated supply raid. Drones seem to have ~15 tile detection radius on a 100%-infiltrated mission (combined with their extreme mobility this is basically gg in terms of stealth).

Because sight range is barely above that, the only way NOT to get detected is to move by 2-3 tiles at a time, or you simply get busted on your first turn (with pods being more frequent). That defeats the purpose of "infiltration" (other than number of units available).

Perhaps vigilance + strength + infiltration % is supposed to discourage stealth game, but I am genuinely wondering what can I do as a player to avoid being detected by pods all over the map, all the time.

Note: My goal isn't to stealth the mission - the point is to NOT activate a pod accidentally in the first 2 of 20+ turns. :) What was the 3-4 days of preparing for a mission when you get busted on first minute of it? :)

Re: 1.4 detection radius

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:55 am
by Dwarfling
I'm routinely activating on the first non-solo-drone pod I encounter, as per vanilla, bathing it in fire, then taking it from there.

I think I got Vigilance twice... Didn't feel the effects.

Re: 1.4 detection radius

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:40 pm
by Antifringe
If you want to maintain a useful amount of stealth in those situations, you have to have a shinobi scout. It's still not 100% reliable, and you will still get screwed by funky angles, but it gives you a fighting chance of closing with the enemy.

In the specific case of a low infiltration supply raid, I always take advantage of the unlimited timer. Poke around the starting area with the scout, and then head for a corner and dig in. Don't obsess with getting high terrain for your sharpshooter. Being remote is more important than being high. Use the scout + sniper combo to surgically activate selected pods and use the rest of your squad to build an overwatch wall around your sniper(s). You will still get unlucky pods stumbling into you, but because you're in a corner, you won't be getting flanked.

The command pod always camps near its spawning location, so leave it alone and wait until everything else is dead, then provoke it with a squadsight shot from as far away as possible.

Re: 1.4 detection radius

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:35 pm
by lumber-chick
Got it, thx.