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Armor Suit Questions

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:07 pm
by dwhansen777
EXO Suit...what capability does the "heavy weapon slot" actually provide...does it add either a rocket/flamer/grenade launcher to the soldier? Any effects on mobility?

WAR Suit...what is the "shieldwall" function/capability?

What is the general opinion of the "best" armor option for N/N?


Re: Armor Suit Questions

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:24 pm
by Sparky79
Lets see from the top:
1) the heavy slot lets you mount a heavy weapon (default shredder cannon - you can build others as you research them) and on technical it gives you either +1 rocket or +2 flame thrower charges
2) it does not affect mobility. Only light armour (spider and wraith) do
3) shieldwall function is similar to the spark. You get one point for armour and make like a high cover. So another soldier can use the heavy armour wearing one as cover. To be honest is not the best tactic as it invites AoE attacks.
4)Ok ... nn means night night to me so not sure what you mean. :D I prefer light armour on shinobi for flanking and covering distances for sword attack, sharpshooters for getting to high ground easy and grenadiers - basically the same units I would equip SMG on. Heavy armour (when I use them)I would put on specialists, psi, technicals (not a big fan of techs). The standard armour is my go to for everyone else.

Hope this helps a bit.

Re: Armor Suit Questions

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:58 pm
by stefan3iii
Exo suits on everyone, I don't even build standard armor. Mobile armor is great on snipers, but kind of expensive to research just for them.