Some comments on my Veteran 1.3/1.4 campaign

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Some comments on my Veteran 1.3/1.4 campaign

Post by Exquisitor »

I finished the campaign in early April, a full year after it started. I could have finished it earlier but I was waiting for some tech and trying to level a couple of soldiers. I've been playing on Veteran as I enjoy a beer and pretzels playstyle, well it's mostly a coffee and wake-up playstyle. Below are some comments about my latest game.

1. I think gunners need some love. They're good in the early game with area suppression and their damage output, but once the Advent forces get aiming and defense upgrades, OW builds become a gamble. The cool-down build isn't on par with the Ranger CD build. I think gunners would benefit from moving Traverse Fire one or two levels down (replace iron curtain or dangeer zone?) and having something akin to null lance in their skill tree (but earlier than saturation fire, maybe replace rupture). I think the CD on kill zone could also be improved. I think they should have shredder as part of their starting abilities.

2. Grenadiers are in a good spot, but with the upcoming changes to incendiary grenades, maybe some increased performance on the debuffs could be added into their skill tree, say as a replacement to chain shot. It could be something as simple as an extra round on their debuff. Btw, who uses chain shot on a grenadier?

3. Sparks still seem underwhelming, largely because of their aim and limited cooldowns. Admittedly, mine only got 3 promotions so maybe I didn't test it fairly. I should download the mod to improve their performance, and so I probably will in the next go round. I don't use a lot of mods because I like to see the designer's intent on the first go rounds.

4. Psi-ops are in a good place right now. I like that they can use insanity first and then use another ability. Insanity also seems to hit now. This really improves their performance over 1.2. IMO the only thing missing is that their skill tree isn't an obvious progression. One of mine got Domination, three others got Null Lance, but I'm not sure I'd have ever gotten Void Rift. (I wasn't using Ufopaedia to look up their progression, but I will next time.) I arm my psi-ops with exosuits or w.a.r.suits as well as their psi gear. This gives them some oomph when you meet mecs. Pistols seem very weak on psi-ops because their aim isn't that high and because of tactical sense upgrades to the Advent forces, so the quick study ability is better spent elsewhere than on pistol training. Pistols on sharpshooters, now that's still really strong!

5. Techs are great in the early and mid game, particularly on small-unit infiltrations. I think they're rather weak in large engagements because they have limited charges on their attacks (rockets and flamethrower), because range is still an issue with the FT, and because rockets tend to draw multiple pods. Nonetheless, there is something particularly warming when you pull off a full burninator as an opening move. I didn't try the blaster gauntlet. Convince me why I should spend my resources on it.

As for snipers, kubikiri now rocks! Thanks for fixing it! Serial seems a bit underwhelming, but dang when you need it and don't have it, then it seems crucial! And that is the trade off. I generally stuck with double tap. I tried the snapshot build, but I like my DfAs too much.

Specialty items take too long to research, build in the proving ground, and then make in engineering. I'll use the mimic beacon as an example. I finally got mimic beacon (yes, I was delaying to actually get it), deployed it twice, but used it exactly once, and that was in waterworld. At 12 hp, it's not exactly overpowering, very costly to build, and mostly a waste of time. It took one shot and drew in some aliens, but my sniper won the mission on my turn. Why not allow the mimic to be made earlier and just give it fewer hp? It's basically a soak off anyway. Far more powerful from the game mechanics pov is the ability to control mecs with full override and aliens with insanity. In my waterworld mission I was controlling two mecs and then 2 aliens, one of each in the final room. They absorbed a lot more damage than the mimic, plus they were able to attack the Advent forces.

There were several other gear items that I just didn't bother with because they add so little to the game. For example, there are many ammo and grenade types that look useful but under-perform in comparison to cheaper or better options. Best options for ammo: AP, shredder, bluescreen, and tracers (early only). Stilettos might be good, too, but I never built them. Best options for grenades: flashbang, incendiary, and plasma. Sting grenades are amazing and almost mandatory in some situations. I built mostly Tac vests as I liked the extra armor on troopers wearing exosuits or on my negative dodge/defense rangers.

Infiltration times need to be looked at for items such as suppressors and chameleon suits. They're not really worth the supplies or use in their current state. Golden path missions still take far too long to infiltrate and make the end game a boring mix of ignoring most missions except for those with dark events or when needing more supplies.

LW2 has been very engaging. Thanks again to the modders who've taken on such a large undertaking and made it very enjoyable. My wife is secretly cursing you all. :-)
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Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:05 pm

Re: Some comments on my Veteran 1.3/1.4 campaign

Post by NovaFlame »

Exquisitor wrote:Btw, who uses chain shot on a grenadier?
Back in 1.2, when it didn't compete with sting grenades, one of my grenadiers pulled shredder from the AWC. Rapid deployment flashbang + chain shot was a great way to soften up targets. Unfortunately, it's not really an option anymore, since anyone who takes rapid deployment is all but guaranteed to want sting grenades rather than chain shot. I suppose you could make it work with salvo instead, but that would require the equally painful sacrifice of not taking volatile mix.
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