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What exactly is the formula for getting supplies?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:45 pm
by idleray
Asking because in my impression you should get around 500 supplies per month from a liberated region with engineer + 13 rebels on supply, but I'm only getting ~380ish.

I saved and ran the scan to the end of the month to make sure no faceless, and yep: 380 supplies from engineer + relay + 13 rebels. I feel like I'm being shortchanged somehow.

Re: What exactly is the formula for getting supplies?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:12 pm
by fowlJ
How long have you been gathering supplies from the region? There's a soft limit of 2000-3000 supplies that can be gathered at maximum efficiency from a region, at which point the amount gained starts to scale down, reaching a minimum of half efficiency after collecting twice the initial supply limit.

If that's not the problem then conceivably one of the +20% modifiers isn't applying correctly, since ~380 is in the ballpark for Engineer + Tower, but is short of Engineer + Tower + Liberation.

Also make sure you were gathering supplies for the entire month, as they are collected per rebel per day, so less time working = less supplies.

Re: What exactly is the formula for getting supplies?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:43 am
by idleray
Oh I see, I didn't start from the beginning of the month, so that's why.

However, I've searched the forums and couldn't find anything on how supplies were calculated. Does anyone know the specifics?

Re: What exactly is the formula for getting supplies?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:46 am
by fowlJ
1 Supplies per rebel per day. Level 2 rebels (with 2 AWC perks) produce 1.5 instead, Level 3 rebels (with 4 AWC perks) produce 2. +20% each for an engineer, a radio tower, or a liberated region.

Re: What exactly is the formula for getting supplies?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:42 am
by 8wayz
Just to add, if one of the rebels is a Faceless, they should actually hinder you, instead of adding to your supplies per day. I think it is -1 but will have to check.

In general, if you have 13 level 1 rebels that means 13 supplies/day. Add to that 20% each for an engineer, radio tower and liberated region up to a total of 60%. That will make it 20,8 supplies/day. You can easily reach above 600 supplies per month.

As noted, their is a soft limit on how many supplies you may obtain globally before the efficiency falls. IT should be 2500-3000 and I think it is difficulty dependent.

Once you reach this limit, your efficiency will slowly drop to 50% per rebel.