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Suggestion with Chosen in LW2

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:08 am
by ArchmageMC
If you ever make LW2 work with WotC, I've got a suggestion on the Chosen.

Instead of the Chosen Base Assault missions killing the Chosen off completely, how about those missions stop the Chosen from doing anything to you, but still keeps them alive. (You may/may not get their weapons, up to you guys.) This way they appear in the final mission to have all that fun that said mission has if all the chosen are alive. Also it keeps them chatting on the holomap. The game gets super quiet and lonely when they're all defeated. Esp the Hunter. Noland North is very good at comedy.

That is assuming you even want the Chosen base assault missions. You could do away with them or have them be something else entirely. WotC got super boring when they were all dead tbh. It was nice having them appear on maps and be like a miniboss you had to kill.

Re: Suggestion with Chosen in LW2

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:54 pm
by Psieye
I'm strongly contemplating just never killing the Hunter in my WotC campaign. He only showed up late in my campaign and I'll be finishing the campaign before he reaches full knowledge.