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AWC strategies

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:39 am
by trihero
I'd like to discuss how to use the AWC abilities training (not the healing thing, everyone knows how to and should use that). I haven't "figured out" entirely how important it is to train these or who/when to train, etc, so I'd like to collect some thoughts.

To start off with the basics, every soldier shares the "pistol" column which consists of the 7 pistol perks: faceoff (shoot pistol at everyone), fan fire (fire pistol 3 x at one target), lightning hands (free action shot), clutch shot (perfect accuracy pistol shot), return fire (one free shot at someone who attacks you), gunslinger (fire a reaction pistol shot within 8 yards), quickdraw (shooting with your pistol first does not end the turn). The order in which you can get them is entirely random (sometimes you can train faceoff immmediately).

The other two columns are "defensive" and "offensive." These columns are only 3 rows deep opposed to pistol's 7 moves. These abilities are randomly chosen from a pool outside of your class. So you might get the HEAT warheads perk as a specialist, or cool under fire as an assault.

Abilities take some time to train, not sure what it is on legend but I think it's maybe 5/10 days; 5 for "lesser" abilities and 10 for "better abilities".

You can eventually train all pistol and defensive/offensive options provided you are high enough rank. I believe it takes tech sergeant to be able to learn everything. You are also offered 3 abilities to learn from at a time, so if you don't like what you see you have to train something to unlock further tones.

Interestingly, you can only see the first 3 perks off the bat (1 pistol, 1 defensive, 1 offensive), and even if you check the "view hidden perks" option you can't see what will be your tier 2/3 defensive/offensive. So there is a bit of a risk of not having great options in the higher tiers, although the higher tiers are generally "better" than the lower tiers.

With this given information, here are my thoughts on who to train / how to train

1) The Greedy Strategy - simply examine each of your soldiers and take a look at the 3 first options. Sometimes it's immediately obvious that something there is awesome - examples would be the "flashbanger" perk (+1 free flashbang) and the +1 mobility perk. These are quick to train and excellent for virtually all situations. So just go ahead and train it.

2) The Pistol Strategy - since you are guaranteed to learn all the 7 pistol skills if you spend the time, you might carefully select a soldier that you would want to equip a pistol on and who would take advantage of those skills. A sniper makes sense because it compliments the rifle's poor short range capabilities, and snipers typically have high aim, and they typically carry ammo, maximizing the use of the pistol. A ranger might also make sense because they have good overwatching abilities and also generally carry ammo.

3) The Favoritism Strategy - there is just someone special in your squad and you just want to load him up with all the possible best abilities ever

4) Fishing for Potential Strategy - you're aiming to a late game hero squad and you have some specific ideas in mind. Maybe you want your gunner to have Damn Good Ground, so you might dig through all the offensive slots quickly in order to try to see if you can get it.

5) Lightning Hands for All Strategy - maybe you like lightning hands so much that you want to give it everyone, so you train just enough to get to lightning hands for everyone slowly rotating them out. Who doesn't like free action damage anyhow? Just remember you do have to equip a pistol to use it.

What I haven't really figured out how is how soon you should buy the second training slot (I think just delay it, too many other things to spend supply on that are guaranteed), or if there are other strategies I'm missing here. Thoughts? :D

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:29 am
by redscare
Greedy all the way. I look at my soldiers and when you see THAT perk, you know you want it. Got a low level Sharpshooter with Rupture (top level skill: guaranteed critical + takes extra damage from all other sources). I think I had an orgasm :lol:

Only if I've run out of training interesting skills and one guy has nothing that really synergies with his class, I may consider the pistol tree.

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:25 pm
by gimrah
Greed mainly.

But also - I went AWC before GTS, which meant most of my rookies ranked up by missions, i.e. they got random classes. As a result, I have a lot of soldiers who aren't good as their archetypes like low aim snipers/rangers and low mobility assaults. Now, this isn't a catastrophe in LW because there are really strong secondary builds. However secondaries are usually more situational and hence it's great if your soldier has other ways to be useful, i.e. become less of a specialist and more of a toolbox. So I was thrilled when my 62 aim sniper had access to faceoff on tier-one; likewise rapid deployment on my low mobility assault.

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:46 pm
by Arcalane
Mix of 1-2-3.

Greed is easy to go with and essential. 4 days to learn how to throw support grenades as a free action, how to run a little faster, etc. etc. is too good to pass up on anyone.

Pistol path is for the officers. I prefer my snipers to be as mobile as possible- if they're in a tough spot, they should be falling back to a better position. I give them all mobility suits so they can grapplehook around. Conversely I want that free-action shot on pistols for the guys who are running around looking important. Most of my other soldiers need their slots for other gear.

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:19 pm
by Saracan
Didn't get super far until now, so maybe my AWC strategies will change over time, but for now:

A Mix of greed and pistol. Since training slots are limited, I usually go through my soldiers and look who can get the most bang out of the training tube and send them in first. I then try to get some pistol skills for snipers and shinobis and look for fan fire/lightning hands/faceoff if possible, again for the most bang out of the tube time.

I also try to spread the AWC promotions around instead of stacking them on a single soldier, even if the skills available are only semi-useful - maybe they get something better at the next level, or maybe I'm just silly and that semi-useful skill turns out to be amazing two missions down the line.

Officers tend to get less AWC perks for now - for one, they already have to spend time to train as an officer, and once they are, I usually try to send them on missions rather then in the tube. But they'll get there ventually, I suppose

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:09 pm
by trihero
Having spent some more time training up AWC perks, I'm more in favor of training everyone deeply into offense/defense at some point. The higher up perks are less situational and can be outright fantastic - I've seen rupture and rapid reaction at tier 3. And there are a lot of good available passives like tactical sense, combat fitness, etc.

I think the thing that initially caused me to be suspicious of the AWC was those situational perks you see like HEAT warheads or extra medkits - but those only show up at tier 1 perks. The higher up perks are pretty darn excellent and many of them are actually max rank perks from other classes. I wouldn't put upgrading AWC as the highest priority ever but it's gone up in my estimation, no reason not to train everyone with tier 2/3 offense/defense perks.

For pistols I think they are worth training on rangers, sharpshooters, and gunners, since they tend to carry ammunition and have above average aim.

I agree it's hard to squeeze in AWC training on officers since they're already out for so long, but in 1.1 I read they are reducing officer training times a bit which should help.

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:07 pm
by Sines
Rangers can also do well with Pistols as I find they have lots of ways to spend extra ammo. Even just Walk Fire + Light 'Em Up means you can empty out an AR in a single turn. A Pistol to allow you to push back the reload just a little bit longer can be key.

Officers also have a small incentive to get pistols. The spare Pistol for civilians and the "Execute Mind Controlled Soldier with Pistol" ability are both niche uses, but give you encouragement to already have a pistol on your Officer.

Additionally, just for reference, I've seen 4 and 8 day training times in the AWC on Veteran difficulty.

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:30 pm
by trihero
Officers also have a small incentive to get pistols. The spare Pistol for civilians and the "Execute Mind Controlled Soldier with Pistol" ability are both niche uses, but give you encouragement to already have a pistol on your Officer.

Additionally, just for reference, I've seen 4 and 8 day training times in the AWC on Veteran difficulty.
I had no idea officers had spare pistols or commissar, nice to know.

Yes I agree with those training times; the 3rd tier is 12 days. I don't know if legend bumps them or not.

Re: AWC strategies

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:20 pm
by trihero
My gunner just received tactical sense and fortify as her defensive higher up perks o.O Guess I'm going to focus her perks on area suppression...she should be virtually invulnerable to gunfire with an aid protocol on. Light cover (25) + aid protocol (40) + tact sense (20) + fortify (20) = 105 defense.