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Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:12 am
by Zyxpsilon
Just noticed these brand new connection corridors on the Geoscape..

New Brazil --/-- Western Europe
Western US --/-- Australia
South Africa --/-- New Indonesia

Dunno if anybody realizes this, but it certainly add some really wild gameplay twists even when the wacky RNG can just disconnect a few others.

Has anyone else seen more? Cuz, i'd probably want a New Mexico --/-- North Africa .. or .. Western Europe --/-- East Africa as well! :)

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 7:35 am
by trihero
Is it random in LW2? I know in vanilla it was but most regions seem very well connected in LW2 no matter which campaign I load up.

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:40 am
by Arcalane
Default was 2-4 links per region; LW2 increases the range from 3-4, so regions are much more likely to be well-connected.

LW2 definitely adds some new region links though.

Here's the vanilla set;

Code: Select all

RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastNA", RegionB="WorldRegion_WestNA", LinkLength=30.4f, LinkLocLerp=0.1895f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastNA", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthNA", LinkLength=11.37f, LinkLocLerp=0.3365f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastNA", RegionB="WorldRegion_WestEU", LinkLength=62.5f, LinkLocLerp=0.191f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestNA", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthNA", LinkLength=13.5f, LinkLocLerp=0.331f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestNA", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthAS", LinkLength=101.48f, LinkLocLerp=0.079f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthNA", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthSA", LinkLength=27.7f, LinkLocLerp=0.16f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthSA", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthSA", LinkLength=18.5885f, LinkLocLerp=0.2213f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthSA", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthAF", LinkLength=40.8f, LinkLocLerp=0.23f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthSA", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAF", LinkLength=70.35f, LinkLocLerp=0.123f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthSA", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthOC", LinkLength=144.2f, LinkLocLerp=0.0595f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestEU", RegionB="WorldRegion_EastEU", LinkLength=14.9131f, LinkLocLerp=0.2684f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestEU", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthAF", LinkLength=21.75f, LinkLocLerp=0.14f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastEU", RegionB="WorldRegion_WestAS", LinkLength=16.9903f, LinkLocLerp=0.2930f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastEU", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAS", LinkLength=30.6896f, LinkLocLerp=0.2381f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastEU", RegionB="WorldRegion_EastAF", LinkLength=14.1f, LinkLocLerp=0.378f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthAF", RegionB="WorldRegion_EastAF", LinkLength=14.8f, LinkLocLerp=0.2934f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthAF", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAF", LinkLength=25.2227f, LinkLocLerp=0.3159f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastAF", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAF", LinkLength=30.8800f, LinkLocLerp=0.2082f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastAF", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAS", LinkLength=16.8f, LinkLocLerp=0.39f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthAS", LinkLength=9.9761f, LinkLocLerp=0.2965f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAS", LinkLength=21.9968f, LinkLocLerp=0.3306f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthOC", LinkLength=28.0f, LinkLocLerp=0.34f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthAS", LinkLength=20.7459f, LinkLocLerp=0.2495f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthAS", LinkLength=15.2946f, LinkLocLerp=0.3084f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthOC", LinkLength=23.2f, LinkLocLerp=0.223f)
RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthOC", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthOC", LinkLength=20.55f, LinkLocLerp=0.248f)
And here's the LW2 additions;

Code: Select all

+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthOC", RegionB="WorldRegion_WestNA", LinkLength=118.43f, LinkLocLerp=0.0417f)
+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_EastAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_WestNA", LinkLength=95.49f, LinkLocLerp=0.06f)
+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthAF", RegionB="WorldRegion_SouthOC", LinkLength=92.59f, LinkLocLerp=0.1395f)
+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthSA", RegionB="WorldRegion_WestEU", LinkLength=62.21f, LinkLocLerp=0.117f)
+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_NorthSA", RegionB="WorldRegion_EastNA", LinkLength=32.69f, LinkLocLerp=0.119f)
+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_WestAS", RegionB="WorldRegion_EastAS", LinkLength=26.69f, LinkLocLerp=0.276f)
+RegionLinkLengths=(RegionA="WorldRegion_SouthAF", RegionB="WorldRegion_NorthOC", LinkLength=57.315f, LinkLocLerp=0.216f)
AS = Asia, OC = Oceania (aus, etc.), NA/SA = Americas, AF = Africa, EU = EU.

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:10 am
by Zyxpsilon
Hey -- thank you for the source files confirmation about what i had observed with just 3 by plain luck, @Arcalane.

Very nice 7 choices (and strategically important at that) they made!
Too bad i didn't get my wish of a tiny WE/EA link (between Italy & Israel, etc) though -- could have been fun to watch & shortcut it under certain gameplay conditions!

Welcome to the Pacific Rim heavy traffic. I think Pavonis staff has a knack for California via Hawaii too at least. :lol:

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:20 am
by xwynns
I knew you would like this one. ;) Took me a whole day to draw those 7 lines though...

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:58 pm
by mattprice516
xwynns wrote: Took me a whole day to draw those 7 lines though...
Yaaaayyyy modding UI in XCOM 2!

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:28 am
by Zyxpsilon
xwynns wrote:I knew you would like this one. ;) Took me a whole day to draw those 7 lines though...
Could you make at least the 8th (You surely must know the Mediterranean Gambit Loop is appealing -- gameplay wise) for me+us please!? :lol:

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:52 am
by xwynns
It would be more like Sicily to Cairo in game. I did actually consider making it a while back but there are some concerns with connection balance and how the game distributes which connections are available and not which led me to leave it off the list. I can't really recall what those issues are now though, but at the time I decided this particular one was a bad idea.

If you really wanted to you could probably just copy the WEU/NAF connection and edit the name for WEU/EAF, the line should be pretty close.

Re: Three Region Links -- Enhanced

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:09 am
by Zyxpsilon
Bof.. i guess the obstacle for that particular connection could have been "Limited Length" & global trajectory tracking of Avenger flight paths?

But if you mean this -- you could probably just copy the WEU/NAF connection and edit the name for WEU/EAF, the line should be pretty close -- would actually be possible ... hell yes.
How exactly though, this sort of scripting code is beyond my oldish patience liquid-container. :)