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Using skills to force enemy movement

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:30 pm
by Jacke
Gunner's Flush and Technical's Roust force the enemy to move. The Gunner has to hit but the Technical has limited shots. Flush can be available as an AWC skill.

An alternative to destroying cover. But how tactically good are theses attacks? What has been your experience with them?

They'd be nice to have, but the Gunner would have to pass up Iron Curtain (half-damage snare AoE attack) or Demolition (no-damage cover destroyer). And the Technical would forgo either Fire in the Hole (more accurate rockets) or Suppression.

Are these skills worth what would have to be passed up for them?

Re: Using skills to force enemy movement

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:56 pm
by ZenGilgamesh
I really cannot say so. Those skills that "force the enemy to move" have always been silly to me. Almost any time I'd used Flush the enemy had just stepped one square off to the side, in the same cover they were already in and thus a shot is simply wasted (assuming I maybe had another soldiers queued with Overwatch to shoot that enemy when they moved). Roust is the same story, just with potentially more enemies.

Perhaps if it was adjusted so that the enemies had to move a certain distance then it would be feasible, but as it stands those skills are vastly inferior to the other choices you get with them.

Re: Using skills to force enemy movement

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:10 pm
by Devon_v
Flush was great in LW1 when it wasn't up against such better skills. It was also the go to ability for hitting and finishing weak/evasive enemies. The existence of Iron Curtian, Hail of Bullets, Walk Fire, and Grenadiers allowing you to bring a lot more grenades than Engineers could back then really weakens the perk to the point of being pointless.

Edit: @ZenGilgamesh: You always combo it with Opportunist Overwatch (Cool Under Fire now) and shoot them when they step out. Two Gunners used to have a great combo move between Suppression and Flush.