Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

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Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by UzielTD »

I wasn't really sure where to post this, but its as the tittle says. Seems like the Alien Hunters dlc mission to start the process of the Rulers appearing refuses to pop up. Now, I realize that is, in fact, a vanilla glitch, but I wonder if you guys could look into how/why this happens? Its funny, cause in my last campaign with pretty much all the same mods, the mission appeared as normal.

As of right now, is there some type of fix for this? Console commands to force the mission to appear, maybe? I've already found the console commands to get the various alien armors you get from the rulers but that's a last resort for me. I've been looking for any fix for this for a while, but google has let me down. I'm also cognizant that it may yet show up, as apparently it can often show up very delayed. Its sort of a game breaking bug, though, because if you choose to do the DLC missions and the Nest mission simply doesn't appear, you can never fight the rulers or get their stuff. The prompt to pick up the weapons HAS appeared though, as normal, fairly early on in the campaign. The mission for Shen's Last gift has also appeared.
Last edited by UzielTD on Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by Arcalane »

1.1 delayed the spawning time for the Viper's Nest POI by tying it to the global Force Level. I'm not sure what this tangibly means as I'm not very familiar with how the Force Level system works, but you may not see it for a couple of months at minimum.
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by UzielTD »

Really? I've read some of the changelog, but I must have missed that. That's a big relief, if that is, in fact, what's affecting it. I assume global force level is the combined advent strength in all the regions you control, but that's a bit of a guess. Mine is currently at a total of 11, counting regions which are at 1 (which is the lowest). I just looked at the patch notes as I was writing this and saw that the required force level is... 12. You ever have one of those moments where you suddenly feel like an idiot?

Anyway, thanks for the info, man. It gives me some hope that I don't have to restart the campaign or use the console.
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by johnnylump »

Force level means "alien tech level" more or less. We actually track it in two ways, globally (using vanilla mechanisms) and regionally. The global one starts at 1 and just increases every 15 or 16 days (would have to look up what I set it to, but it's around that). That's used for when the DLC missions are unlocked. It sounds like I may have delayed them a little too deep into the campaign and they'll be trivial; the goal in delaying them was to prevent your first POIs (scan sites) from all being DLC-related.

There's also regional force levels, which determine what aliens show on missions. Right now those rise in every region every time a certain UFO mission is completed, also about every 15 or 16 days, but that UFO can technically be stopped and prevent the rise. We actually had regions with different force levels at one time during testing but dropped it.
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by UzielTD »

Is there any way to know what the global advent force level is, at any given moment?

Update: So, about 35 missions in, I began to scan and just ignore all missions for about a month and change. I lost the campaign and still no sign of the POI for Alien Nest. Additionally, Dark Events completed by Advent never seemed to go away. I'm not sure if that's intentional or not. Are they meant to last much longer in LW2?
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by Willowran »

Does the delay on the Alien Hunters also apply to Shen's last Gift?
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by kenyfpowers »

I got Shen's last gift mission to appear early, but still waiting on Alien Hunters Nest mission, almost to September month-wise
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by UzielTD »

Other than Shen's Last Gift, no other POIs seem to appear either, like free rookies or such. I've started several campaigns and scanned forward several months and still find no POIs of any kind, even with only just this mod active and a fresh config file, as well as verifying the game integrity.

Has anyone else noticed this same issue? Perhaps its related...
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by johnnylump »

POIs only occur when you beat missions that have them as a reward. "Intel Package" is the clue (although some Intel Package missions offer other things)
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by UzielTD »

Oh, I see. Always wondered what that was. Just kind of assumed it was literally what it said on the tin: just a small amount of intel. Do you also need an Intel package to make the Alien Hunter weapons POI appear? Since those don't seem to be appearing either (in a new campaign) even after scanning for months. Of course, I'm not doing any missions, so maybe that's why.

As for the Alien Nest Mission, I still cannot feasibly produce the damn thing. Is it possible that the global advent force level you mentioned hasn't been reached even in my most advanced campaign? Even with 2 full continents totaling 6 regions under my control? And 2 full squads of laser weapons as well as a couple of exo suits and carapace armor? I think the most advanced enemy I'm seeing is Muton centurions. No Andromedons or anything, yet.

It feels late into the game, but maybe I'm just not used to the new balance of Long War 2 and the mission will eventually pop up on its own. Because I have no way of knowing if it will or not, though, I'm feeling hesitant to progress a campaign too far.
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by lordshotgun »

Having an identical problem. I restarted my campaign when 1.1 came out and neither shen or alien hunter missions have popped up. I got a few mods but mostly UI and grimy's loot mod. The alien weapon's popped up early as usual but nothing else. I'm up to magnetic weapons and just leveled up my first colonel. Currently infiltrating the black site mission.

Back in 1.0 the missions popped up instantly like they are supposed to. Anyway to revert these changes and have them spawn? I really wanna play with the new sparks!
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Re: Alien Nest mission (from Alien Hunters dlc) not appearing

Post by Poobah »

I also haven't seen the Alien Hunters stuff in my campaign, currently in August. I did get the Shen stuff though. Does it maybe only trigger in my starting region/continent because I liberated my starting region fairly early and I have HQs available in the other two zones so I haven't been scanning for missions there actively.

At what enemy force strength does it unlock? I'm sure I saw a console command around here to check it so I could use that to see if I'm running in to a bug or if I just haven't progressed far enough yet.

Thanks guys.
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