Crashbug related to Stuttermag

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Crashbug related to Stuttermag

Post by Ferigad »

Well, yeah...

I have no idear why or how. But that´s the situation at the moment. The whole game worked well so far, until i got magnetic weapons. I got 2 shinobi only squads that i fitted completly with stuttermags and weapon upgrades. So they started to do missions.

And now it started to happen. I send them as always on Intel Missions and stuff like that and at the second the map beginns (after the scene is over how the soldiers arrive) the game crashes to desktop. I tryed it several times on several missions. Always the same. The second i switched back from stuttermags to the laser tier, the crashes did stop. Magnetic Rifle and stuff like that also worked like intended but for some reason the stuttermag seems to be directly related to crashes.

I ran out of idears. I tryed to reinstall the mod and load the savegame again but it didnt work. Because i didn´t find any other reports about an issue like that i would think it could be a corrupted gamefile but netherless, i wanted to report it. Just in case.
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