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Soldier Abilities Options Missing

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:05 pm
by AlanDNelson
First of all, thanks for Long War 2.

I have three soldiers on my roster where the center set of abilities are not showing (and the left-side abilities are shifted over to the center).

I have other soldiers of the same class that work perfectly.

I have even tried using the console command "MakeSoldierAClass" to fix the problem to (try to reset his class), but no dice there. (In fact, I tried to make him an "Assault"... but the command MakeSoldierAClass "Character Name" Assault actually made him a Technical. But he was a techical with three columns of abilities! Swapping him BACK to a Sharpshooter brought him back again with just the two columns of abilities.)

Any ideas?

Re: Soldier Abilities Options Missing

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:28 pm
by Arcalane
Sounds like it's pulling the old/vanilla classes. I recommend purging your config files and rebuilding them before doing anything else.

As for fixing the broken soldiers -- when using MakeSoldierAClass you want to prefix the classname with "LWS_" to get the 'enhanced' version.

Valid classes are as follows;

LWS_Assault, LWS_Shinobi, LWS_Sharpshooter, LWS_Ranger, LWS_Gunner, LWS_Grenadier, LWS_Specialist, LWS_Technical, PsiOperative.

Re: Soldier Abilities Options Missing

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:32 pm
by AlanDNelson
That all worked!

After digging... this was all caused by the mod "Use My Class". This allows you to set a class in the character pool, that will be honored when the soldier is promoted from Rookie. The list you can choose from contains both Vanilla and LW2 classes. The LW2 classes are at the bottom.

The confusing part is some of the classes have the same name... and look identical on the list. Once again, the LW2 classes are at the bottom.

The solution above will solve your class issue if this happens to you, but be warned... you lose any abilities you make have already earned.

Thank you for your help!