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Infiltration boosted without effect when region HQ is taken

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:27 pm
by Daergar
HQ taken by xcom, which I knew would trigger any missions currently being infiltrated in the region.

I only had one active, "ambush troop convoy", standing at 57% completion. I could click boost infiltration, it warned me of the cost per usual and became grayed out afterward, yet the 57% remained.

No idea what is wrong, being able to boost it in the first place or the boost not taking effect (at least not visually, did not attempt it).

1) LW 1.1 + latest hotfix
2) Win 10
3) Xwynn's play-through's listed quality of life mods, more colors for armor.

Re: Infiltration boosted without effect when region HQ is taken

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 8:15 am
by Dralex
just had the same thing happen to me.

at 51% - Moderate

After boost still 51% - moderate