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About Enemy SS and Maphack.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:53 pm
by SirensCry
So i keep smashing my head against two walls :

1) All enemy units have Squadsight: This is throwing off ANY attemp to use position to draw fire away/ limit the amount of fire you receive. I would very much appreciate any advice on turning that option off or some form of limit the range they can fire at.

2) The AI know your position at all times once you break concealment. Example : You break concealment to unlock a cell on a jailbreak. Enemy see you, but you make a run for it and break LOS with all your Units( Lets say your Shinobi and the Prisioner) . Next turn, the AI positions perfectly to shoot at you, even when THEY DIDNT SEE WHERE YOU WENT OR HOW YOU TOOK COVER. Thi is most evident with Drones, running exactly beside your troops for the stun.

I do realize these may be in place for balance purposes, but as the Repair times on LW1: Months to repair a plane? It should not make it to the base in the first place if it was SO wasted, i glady pay for a new one and be done with it. I find some of these things TOO unfair/unrealistic for my taste.

Greatly appreciate any advice on how to adress these 2 issues.



Re: About Enemy SS and Maphack.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:24 am
by Clibanarius
On number 2, I can personally attest that is not the case. A single Shinobi Jailbreaking attempt will prove that. Enemies continue patrolling UNLESS they heard you specifically bust some glass, kick a door open instead of moving next to it and then manually opening it, threw a grenade, et cetera.

Re: About Enemy SS and Maphack.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:41 pm
by SirensCry
Perhaps i miss type : im refering to the ones you HACK the cell-gate to free the prisoner, thus breaking your concealment. (never had one where you dont hack the cell so far)

Still, was only one of many example situation, just try it out on any save. Break concealment and run away. they will find you exactly on their next turn.


Re: About Enemy SS and Maphack.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:27 pm
by Postmaster
I think what he's really saying is not when you break concealment, but when you break concealment AND some pods get activated, in which case, yes they do automatically know where every one of your soldiers are.

Re: About Enemy SS and Maphack.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:44 pm
by SirensCry
Exactly, ty for fixing my ugly english Postmaster :D

Re: About Enemy SS and Maphack.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:02 pm
by SirensCry
I think i found something on XComGameData_CharacterStats.ini

Theres an entry for Sight range for every unit : [eStat_SightRadius]=27. If i can set it to say, 20 and they have to actually move inside 20 to shoot, i ll be so happy lol.

Im playing with that now, will come back if i see any effect on the game.


Edit : Not working =/