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How to change an ability from having charges to cooldown

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:47 pm
by Sir_Dr_D
How would one be able to change an ability such as the technical's flame throwing from having number of charges to having a 5 turn cooldown instead?

Re: How to change an ability from having charges to cooldown

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:21 am
by cerebrawl
Well, you'd have to make a mod with the SDK, since you're changing code behavior, not just changing a config setting.

This is stuff that needs to be compiled. I'd recommend looking up a tutorial(Dizzy XL touches upon this in his video tutorial for making a soldier class mod), I remember that you're going to be modifying X2Ability, you'll have to copy the existing ability and you can crossreference a cooldown ability to find out the difference in the code between them, it's fairly simple, but again, you will have to use the SDK and compile a mod.

Dizzy XL's class mod tutorial:
I think it's about 9-10 minutes in when he copies the stealth(conceal) ability and changes his copy to have 4 charges instead of 1, but if you follow what he's doing and crossreference a cooldown ability it should be easy to make the change.