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[REQUEST] View Squad in Geoscape Fix

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:07 am
by pingpong
When you press the View Squad button in the Launch/Abort screen for active missions in the Geoscape, the soldiers listed may not reflect the actual composition of the squad you sent in to infiltrate at that site. Even though it gives a designation of whether the soldier is Available (in the barracks) or Infiltrating, there is no way to distinguish whether that soldier is Infiltrating that Mission site or another Mission site (ie he/she was pulled to another squad). With multiple active missions ongoing, and temporary unit assignments, this makes it impossible to determine where your soldiers are and effectively manage mission launches.

If there already is a way of doing this (apart from rigidly sticking to squad assignments or leaving a large pool of unassigned soldiers -- both of which are non-optimal), it would be greatly appreciated if someone can clue me in. The only way I can think of tracking this is writing down each soldier sent on each mission ... :(

Re: [REQUEST] View Squad in Geoscape Fix

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:21 pm
by Zyxpsilon
An alternate way to obtain those details is to go directly to the SquadManagement option.

If you click on the Status column (so that it shows an UP arrow), every Squads currently "Infiltrating" are still shown as such --BUT-- the parser puts each of these soldiers in the exact same order they were selected during pre-mission LoadOuts.. soooo, top of list are *IN* missions & anything else listed as --Available or Injured-- is always at the bottom.

NOTE that there is a specific Deployment-Cycle directly related to both their lists order (as explained above) and who gets to move first-to-last from the drop-zone on the initial Mission(s) turn.

I'll be creating a hint-box similar to what i did for Xcom2 (as a Button ToolTip)...

Except for Waterworld (12) .. LW2 only deploys a maximum of 10 (or less) soldiers which follow the same principles but applied to a two rows system. After some early inspections of the structure this is what i detected...

Upper Row == -- _ -- 8 -- 6 -- 7 -- 9 -- _ --
Lower Row == -- 4 -- 1 -- 0 -- 2 -- 3 -- 5 --

Squads are setup as commonly known --Delta-Formations-- and #0 (Used to be #C8 in XC2) is always slotted at the first Drop-Tile & can be considered as the "Leader" in terms of code mechanics. Everybody is being pre-selected to move by their numeric spots in our usual "Tabbing" activation for Tactical steps.

More on this will be found in my "qUIck_LW2" mod, later! :)