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Activating Wired continent bonus?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:58 am
by Emerging_Chaos
I'm trying to find a way to activate the Wired continent bonus (which lets you replace PCS without losing them) through console commands because I missed out on it.

I tried the console command:

Code: Select all

GiveContinentBonus ContinentBonus_Wired

But that didn't work (also tried many other versions in case I got it wrong). As far as I know it should work, given that the same code works for other vanilla bonuses. "ContinentBonus_Wired" also seems to be how Pavonis references it in their code, so I'm just somewhat confused as to why it won't work.

Re: Activating Wired continent bonus?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:00 am
by saroscycler
No, you're doing it right. It's just that it's not actually implemented in the first place.