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Is there a way to mod rookie stat crits into the NCE module with INI only?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:38 pm
by boohead
I was looking at the INI file for Not Created Equally and had an idea to add rookie stat crits. I realized there might be a simple way to mod in rookie stats crits (when a rookie is created, there is a low chance that a stat "crits" or they get a significant boost to one stat to become a super rookie in that one area). If there was a way to prevent Stat Swaps from being reversable, you could add something like this to create rookie stat crits:

+STAT_SWAPS=(StatUp=eStat_Offense, StatUp_Amount=5, StatDown=eStat_PsiOffense, StatDown_Amount=0, Weight=0.2f, Reversable=false)

I know there is a flag for ignoring the stat swap on a beginning rookie, but I could not find one for preventing reversable stat swaps. Is there a flag for making the specific Stat Swap record unreversable?