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bug report

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:50 pm
by jsprenkle
Good afternoon Commander,

My game goes to a black screen reliably when a mission was ended. I get a cursor and can leave the game using the escape key.
Reloading the last autosave reproduces the issue. Reloading the autosave before this allows me to finish the mission.
It is the statue sabotage mission. My suspicion is that when the last alien killed drops
loot AND one of your soldiers is within the loot radius it locks up the game exit on success.

A grey is standing on the statue pedestal. One of my soldiers is around the corner.
I run around the corner and shoot the grey. He drops loot. The mission ends with the video of
the statue being blown up from above. Then the soldier says "got something here".
Then I get a dialog box allowing me to confirm the loot.
Black screen.

PLEASE post:
1) The version of Long War you are playing: Jan 17th drop
2) The platform you are playing on: Windows 7
3) What other XCOM2 mods you are playing with: all other mods are turned off. I do have the DLC's except cosmetic one.
4) The circumstances of the bug or precise steps to produce it: see above
5) Whether you are able to offer a savegame for us to look at. yes