Best practices for any mod update:
- Begin with a Strategy save (from within the Avenger)
- Backup and delete your \My documents\My games\xcom2\xcomgame\config folder
- The very best option is to unsubscribe and resubscribe to Long War 2 ( ... =844674609). This is not required but will greatly increase your chances of having a nice clean start. The update download is 1.7 GB so plan accordingly.
- If you have any mods that require that they be loaded after LW2, you will need to unsubscribe and resubscribe to them after LW2 is updated. This is not a common problem, so if you've not had to deal with it in the past you are probably ok to ignore this.
- My personal preference is to move as many saves as possible out of the \My documents\my games\xcom2\savedata folder, leaving just the last 10 or so. This is also not required, but I've noticed a performance improvement (especially load times) when I do this. The same goes for the logs folder.
- Before starting an updated campaign double check that all of your LW2 Options are set correctly (might as well check the Vanilla settings as well).
In 1.3 several soldier perk trees were modified, so the perks that you've chosen for some of your soldiers are in new locations on the trees. You will need to put the solder in the AWC "Respec" tube and reassign perks as you see fit.
- Open Notepad++ (download it here if you do not have it already: and navigate to:
- Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\844674609\Config\xcomgamedata.ini
- Search (Ctrl+F) for “Respec” and then change the value following the “=” to 0
- It should look like this for “Veteran” difficulty: XComHeadquarters_DefaultRespecSoldierDays[1]=0; Normal
- Restart the game
- Once you place the soldier in the tube the respec will be instantaneous, and you will be able to choose the perks again for your soldier.
To Enable the Developer’s console:
- Open Steam. Right click on XCOM 2 and choose “Properties”
- Click on the “Set Launch Options” button
- In the text box type: -allowconsole
- Click “Ok”
- Restart the game
- In the game hit the \ or ~ key to open the dev console in game
Starting with 1.3 you can assign a total of 2 Scientists to the Psi Lab to reduce the Psi lab training time even more for your soldiers.
- Go to Engineering > Build Facilities and note the location number value of your Psi lab based on this grid:
3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10| 11
12| 13| 14 - Now click the big red X on the Psi Lab and then Ok, to destroy it.
- Then open the Developer’s console and type in (or copy and paste) the following: GiveFacility PsiChamber #
- Where the # is the grid location value. So, if you Psi lab is in the bottom right hand corner of the avenger, you would type GiveFacility PsiChamber 14
Starting in 1.3 for every region you liberate your Avatar Timer / Doom Clock will go down by one pip. So for every liberated region in your 1.2 campaign save you will want to reduce the timer by one pip.
Open the Developer’s console and type the following: RemoveFortressDoom #
Where the # is equal to the number of regions that you’ve liberated so far
Radio Relays:
Beginning with 1.3 when you complete the Network Tower mission in a region you are awarded with a free Radio Relay. To add them to regions where you’ve completed that mission.
Open the Developer’s console and type: setregionreslevel WorldRegion# 3 where WorldRegion# = the region that needs a Radio Relay
You will require a new campaign for the following changes to take effect:
- Fixed Bug that was causing the DLC mission sites to spawn more than once in a campaign.
- Fixed a bug where late game POIs were not spawning properly
- Fixed a vanilla bug where Bleeding Out/Unconscious soldiers were not able to be picked up if they had been picked up at any point previously during your campaign.