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Faction Customization for Scenarios

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:30 pm
by eskander
If I had to guess, the devs are setting up the framework for other scenarios and possibly more customization options already.

Just adding that custom naming for your own faction is a nice feature -- it would be equally nice to be able to rename the other factions as well. Also would be nice to include which factions exactly instead of which types included being based on faction count, though that may affect AI behavior/balance.

I see in the save file everything is setup for every faction to have custom name properties, so I'd imagine this feature would just be a UI implement at the new game screen. Would also be nice to upload custom logos for each faction but that is probably less easy to implement at this point.

I think the devs have done well with giving us a 'curated' setup, but the customization is nice when it is possible.

Also I found it interesting that the Alien faction also has these custom attributes. Would there be any bugs from changing the Alien ones?

Guess I'll try it out -- going for a playthrough the following customs:

"displayName": "the Allied Exoplanetary Force",
"customAdjective": "EXFOR",
"customLeaderAddress": "Supreme Allied Commander Exoplanetary", -- if this gets too long in where it shows, I'll change to SACEX probably.
"customFleetNameBase": "AEF-"

"displayName": "the Earth Corps",
"customAdjective": "Earth Corps",
"customLeaderAddress": "Chief of General Staff",
"customFleetNameBase": "ECS-"

"displayName": "Multi-National United",
"customAdjective": "MNU",
"customLeaderAddress": "CEO",
"customFleetNameBase": "MNU-"

"displayName": "the Transhuman Ascendency",
"customAdjective": "Ascendent",
"customLeaderAddress": "Supreme Leader",
"customFleetNameBase": "TAV-"

"displayName": "the Sol-Terra Protectorate",
"customAdjective": "Protectorate",
"customLeaderAddress": "Chancellor",
"customFleetNameBase": "SPN-"

"displayName": "the United Nations of Sovereign Earth",
"customAdjective": "UNSE",
"customLeaderAddress": "Secretary-General",
"customFleetNameBase": "UNSE-"

"displayName": "the Exodus Project",
"customAdjective": "Exodus Project",
"customLeaderAddress": "Director",
"customFleetNameBase": "EV-"

"displayName": "the Aliens",
"customAdjective": "Xeno",
"customLeaderAddress": "Queen Mother", --I haven't gotten far enough in a playthrough to know what their leadership default is.
"customFleetNameBase": "X-"

Customization adds some personal character to these factions and would be nice.

That is all.