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Minor QoL suggestions

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:06 pm
by majorpickle01
Hi All,

Few minor QoL suggestions:

1 - Could you add nests to the sidebar? So for example, all mars mines, ceres mines, etc, and contained within a collapsable list? It's frustrating having a massive list of them on screen or not having any of them. Same for Armies, etc.

2 - Can you add a toggle into setting to allow hab templates to overwrite anything in the slot? I get the idea of having certain things blocked (like powerplants so you don't say build a solar hab template on Pluto and overwrite the fusion plants), but it's a bit annoying to have to manually copy paste improvements or redesigns to mutiple bases.

Thanks! I bought this game about 3 weeks ago and already have 130 hours, this game has utterly destroyed my life to the point of playing it for 14 hours straight and points and I couldn't be happier for it aha.

Re: Minor QoL suggestions

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:42 pm
by johnnylump
Thank you for the feedback. #2 is in the plans; we'll discuss what we can do with #1.

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