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The Memorial +.+.+.+.+

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:37 am
by Stark
Hey, I'm not sure if this has been done here before, but thought I would start this thread as a place for commander's to express their grief and commemorate those recently fallen in battle- And perhaps note some accomplishments or feats of strength of your most cherished, recently deceased soldiers.

I will start, as I am grief-stricken about the loss of one fine Gunner who was lost today.

GSGT Thomas "Sledge" Edwoods - kills 42 - missions 21 - Operation Ceasing Priest - Killed by Mechtoid/Autocannon.

(Specialty: CF, Opportunist, RFA)

When I first took young Thomas under my wing, I never thought he would make it past the first mission, but he continued to surprise me with his grit and determination. While not as impressive as some "born to kill" gunners I've seen come and go over the years, I began to think of him as a "late-bloomer" so-to-speak. He was quite unpredictable. On some missions, I found myself praising him and cursing him at the same time, but overall he was a good man, And a fine soldier.

He was unexpectedly shot down by the very Mechtoid he was suppressing on a covert operation sent directly from the council. We all knew the stakes were high, And the risks involved. What we all didn't expect was two perfectly executed shots from that blasted DT Mechtoid, even under suppression- It's first and last action I am relieved to say.

I am sad to see him go.. He was rough around the edges, but also had a certain sophistication about him, what with all his fancy Uniforms he liked to wear, And that stupid Colonel hat and shades he wore on almost every mission. But that was all a part of his charm, we used to poke fun at him for that, but what would our unit be without some humor to wash away the often brutal and dire situation we were faced with.

Goodbye Sledge, you were a fine but sometimes silly Gunner. I'm sure it's not that long before we all suffer the same fate and we'll be laughing about it over some beers in the after-life, should one exist. I offer my sadness and regret that I, as Commander could have done something differently on that fateful day. RIP mate.