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Locked out of faction project research

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:19 am
by BibadZob
Hi, I'm currently playing as the academy, year 2038, things are somehow under control.

Since year 2037 I experience a monthly research sabotage from aliens.
I try hard to detect and kill/detain them but even with 3 under investigation simultaneously and with the highest level of intel on them I can't find wich of the alien agents is doing this monthly assault on my research.

I'm locked out of any research of more than 5k and been so for a year almost.

Is there a mechanism I missed or a somehow endgame 'no research phase' it is normal to experience ?

Re: Locked out of faction project research

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:45 am
by BibadZob
I think my domination of the earth is too strong maybe.

I federated european union from pacific Russia to Turkey (1bn people) , caliphate owns all of africa and asia to the indian border (2bn people), I also have control over india (4/5 control), US and china, I control 100% of nukes and hoard 75 - 85% of science in control points
I'm in the process of unifying the asian combine, before unifying americas.

I think I painted a target on my head by owning too much, and now aliens focus my research in priority each month.

Maybe it would have been better to have another faction succeed also, instead of pushing them to very few control points in instable countries with no economy and science.