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Suggestion: ability to hide 'unwanted' projects

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 7:43 pm
by Schex
Hiya everyone! First off, devs: thank you for an amazing game.. I can't get enough! Here is a suggestion for a QoL issue that I think would be a great addition:

The problem: By mid-game the available research projects list (i.e., gears techs that have been unlocked via public research etc.) becomes overwhelming to sift through. There are many of these projects that a player might want to skip entirely (e.g., obsolete techs; drives, IR lasers, railguns, nation unifications in irrelevant regions, etc.) or hide temporarily (if they're not a priority now but might be later). It's not practical to unlock EVERY project available to us (nor is it optimal to do so), please give us a solution to bring order to the chaos. ;)

One possible solution: A 'hide project' button! If we had a separate list (hidden/ignored projects) that we could send undesired projects to (and from), it would de-clutter the 'available projects' screen (leaving only curated/higher priority projects) and thus would help players sift through the overwhelming amount of options at their fingertips during any given stage of the game.

Caveat: I'm not super familiar with tech tree so far (still on my first playthrough), but as far as I know some project techs are requisite for other project techs? In this case it would be a mistake to hide and ignore that project if it was required for something that the player is trying to unlock. Maybe we could get a symbol or some way to distinguish these requisite (or conversely, terminal) projects so that we don't end up ignoring them and setting back our progress a decade? Forgive me if it already lists what projects it would lead to.. I'm not in game at the moment and I can't remember.. :?

Apologies if this is already suggested somewhere... I must admit I haven't taken the time to read through the suggestions to make sure it's not a duplicate...
Thanks for your time and consideration! :D