Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so buggy?

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Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so buggy?

Post by ArchmageMC »

Not only is it super buggy and any enemy with any high cover can easily break it without taking damage (Vanilla XCOM 2 is what you have to thank for that) but it also uses up ammo per reaction shot and if you have no ammo, the suppression effect ends? And its only -30 aim? AND it has all Overwatch penalties when taking a shot AND it doesn't ignore cover bonuses when calculating them? Whats the point of using Suppression anymore when its just so bad.

In LW1 Suppression took a flat amount of ammo, usually 3, and if any enemy moved, they were shot on the tile they were on, ignoring cover and Overwatch aim penalties. And it was -50 aim (I understand it going to-30 though, especially with Graze). I can understand AoE suppression past the first target using a unit of ammo, but suppression itself makes no sense.

Basically Gunners are pretty much useless when half their tree hardly ever works in the first place, and is bad when it works. Lots of other classes can shred armor, especially with shredding rounds, and Rangers do as much or more damage.
Last edited by ArchmageMC on Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so bad?

Post by MantLemon »

Perfect Information says a common reaction fire hit chance of suppression is a little above 40%, and considering a gunner's aim, I think the reaction fire already ignores cover bonus, though I could be wrong.

I have also found that suppression sometimes doesn't trigger properly (e.g. by Roust/flamethrower edition of Flush); it could be a bug.

It's very important to attach magazine and hair trigger to the cannon of a suppressor, as it increases his efficiency. The modified area suppression now is super useful, because every enemy within its range will get shot once if they move---provided there is ammo left. A single basic expanded magazine enables the gunner who is area suppressing this turn to move and area suppress again next turn (ayys don't know your ammo capacity, so it's ok). I've also noticed that AI tend to hunker down or wildy shoot when suppressed, even when the unit suppressed is Advent Scout or Sidewinder. Sectoids, when suppressed, haven't tried to mind control the suppressor, though I am not sure they are programmed to be so. Ayys aren't that aggressive, running the suppression so along as the shot won't kill them. Suppression also prevent the target from using many abilities. Enemy grenades and rockets can't be used, which has been confirmed by the game tip. Viper can't spit venom or grab. Officers can't mark. Stunlancers... idk, I haven't encountered many of them, and I've usually flashbang them already if they are left alive for this turn. This makes (area) suppression quite a good supporting ability in the offensive end, helping your plating-only assault to move in.

In the defensive end, gunner also does great job in covering your squad to fall back to the evac zone. As is mentioned above, it's not very difficult to have your gunner area suppress and fall back at the same time. The general rule of not bringing unnecessary utility items ofc applies here. Beware of your positioning when reinforcement incoming, though; I think they have a high chance of dropping at your back.

If you're not using suppression, then I think it's safe to say that you rely a lot on grenades, or rocket. But an aggresive grenadier without Sapper is useless, and what's a grenadier who's used up frags? A rookie. And the noise mechanic makes me almost use no frag at all in some missions, and they were carried out ok.

But I'm not saying grenades should be avoided; they are just not that compulsory. When judging an ability, I think what matters most is to see if you can use it to enhance your current squad, or if you can build around it to form a squad. As to (area) suppression, I'll say it's a core support ability.
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Re: Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so bad?

Post by xwynns »

I actually think Area Suppression is a tad on the OP side, and regular suppression is very useful. Too tired to go into detail atm though.
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Re: Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so bad?

Post by bingo12345 »

i don't think so. suppression in lw2 is good. some bug fix is needed.
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Re: Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so buggy?

Post by stephanovich »

I've had a completely different experience. I have two high'ish level gunners specced mostly for suppression (picked center mass instead of the graze thing) and they lock down a whole bunch of enemies with ease and the hit rate on the reaction shot so far has been fantastic. Really helps getting those bonus aim on reaction shot perks. Those two gunners alone saved me from an early avenger defense.
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Re: Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so buggy?

Post by johnnylump »

There is a fix in 1.1 to the bug that was causing Area Suppression to cancel after a missed reaction shot.
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Re: Why is Suppression and AoE Suppression so buggy?

Post by bilfdoffle »


- Suppression reaction fire ignores cover bonuses.
- area suppression in Lw1 only took a single reaction shot, and then was broken for everyone being suppressed
- suppression debuff in lw1 was also only 30. It was 50 in x1.
- suppression is really good in lw2.
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