Councillor Loyalty - some questions

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Councillor Loyalty - some questions

Post by neilwilkes »

The whole 'Loyalty' stat is really good, but there are a couple of things I don't fully understand and would welcome some pointers, please.
1. Whilst it is possible to increase loyalty - I don 't know if it is possible to lose it again.
2. Based on the answer to the above, the following things leap to mind too:
a - if 'No', then is there any point at all running the 'Inspire' mission once you have ramped a councillor up to 25?
b - if 'Yes', then how does
i - the AI manage to do this?, and
ii - How can I do the same to enemy/rival councillors?, and
3. Does the boosted loyalty from 'Inspire' missions wear off over time, and if 'yes' what is the maths behind it?

What I'm trying to ascertain is if it is ever worthwhile investigating your own councillors after their loyalty has been pegged / ascertained at 25, can this number decrease & if so how, and how can I do this to my rivals & enemies.
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Re: Councillor Loyalty - some questions

Post by DarthVicious »

There are lots i dont know.

I dont know if loyalty decays naturally.

There are events that will decrease loyalty, i.e, +3 or -6 choice if two councillors dont like each other or have a dispute.

Some traits will cause councillors to lose loyalty. For e.g. there is a trait called 'loss averse' which causes your councillor to lose 1 loyalty each time the aliens blow up a station.

Might be that ethical councillors lose loyalty each time you use nukes or commit an atrocity. Reaching here and never checked. (Confirmed. -1 loyalty per atrocity).

Once i get councillors up to 20+ i tend to leave them, and check in every few years if i need to run inspire for a few rounds. Have not actually watchhed closely to see what causes the loyalty to change.

Edit. Also there are traits like 'Demanding' which cause -1 loyalty anytime any councillor has a critical failure. And a similar trait which is -1 any time the counciĺor themselves have a critical failure.
Last edited by DarthVicious on Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Councillor Loyalty - some questions

Post by StrykeSlammerII »

I've only really played on Normal mode and version <= 0.76 -- but with the possible exception of some 0-loyalty shenanigans, I've not seen any effects of my own councilors being compromised--and the few times I've been suspicious and investigated my own folk, they've always been clean.

If I have someone with a low starting roll or bad event rolls, I might Inspire them to medium-stable again, but haven't seen a reason to care most of the time.

Is loyalty more important on higher difficulties and/or more recent versions? (Not counting the new loyalty traits)
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Re: Councillor Loyalty - some questions

Post by neilwilkes »

Thanks, Darth.
I did know about the traits & events that can reduce loyalty, but I still appreciate the summary with them all in one place - that's useful.
I wish I could remember the text that made me think councillors may gradually lose loyalty over time, but if you guys say not then that is good enough for me. I tend to wait until I hit the point in the early game where I don't have the CP to do anything control-wise, so go for the 'sit everyone in a room around a table' mode & use 'Inspire' on everyone until they are all at 25. This seems to work.
Any councillor that has negative traits I tend to get rid of those traits as soon as it is practical to do so.

It's nice to learn that the opponents cannot drip-drip-drip away at councillor loyalty though - maybe that is something which could be added?
Kinda like an 'MK Ultra' option for Mind Wars?
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