Post campaign bug list

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Post campaign bug list

Post by DjAci »


I just finished my first successful campaign on Commander and wanted to share a list of bug and possible issues Devs might want to hear about.

LW 1.1 updated to 1.2 later (all issues present in both versions!)

Platform: PC

Mods used: No gameplay chaning mods, just visuals (customization, tatoos..) and UI, QOL mods (Evac all, perfect info...). All in all an almost vanilla LW2 situation. (No map mods also)

Bugs list:

1. MECs that are hacked after being disorineted/stunned by bluescreen flashbang dont revert to normal and exhibit strange behaviour. Dont move, just teleport, cant attack permanently...

2. Covering fire (from OW ranger) doesnt trigger on Heavy MEC micromissiles.

3. Volatile mix perk gives flashbangs +1 guaranteed damage! I think this was a vanilla issue also.

4. Muton does more damage than muton centurion. I think this is a swap similar to viper and viper serpens.

5. Multi OW shot soldiers (ranger, soldiers with guardian) tend to visually change position to an adjacent tile after firing. They still are were they were, but visually they look out of position (similar to an old LW1 supression bug)

6. Visual bug on forge mission. The body of the prototype has SPARK legs model added to it.

7. Powerd/Plated BIT offers no additional repair health, just 6 like basic BIT. Unsure about damage (didn't develop)

8. After mission in Skyranger loading screen sometimes SPARK will be seated in the same seat as another soldier their models clipping.

9. Strange UFO bug (prob from vanilla). Got two Hunter UFO's at the same time (one after finishing forge, other a few days later from DE). They intercepted me together and I got the mission. Finished the mission. One UFO was gone, the other kept permanently following my Avenger to the campaign end with no other apparent effect.

10. Smoke grenade UI is bad! It's a vanilla issue. The UI says the smoke cover is all around, but in reality it has LOS check similar to Flashbang grenade which is stupid as smoke unlike light doesn't need LOS and sucks for gameplay. It makes using smoke really buggy. I use reliable smoke mod, that just fixes the UI, but it still makes smoke difficult to use. Since LW2 has a larger emphasis on smoke, it would really be great if a fix was possible that would simply put all the tiles in smoke regardless of LOS. Like LW1. The smoke engineer was such a great soldier back then. My favorite panic button.

Possible issues:
(A list of behaviors that are not bugs per se and may be deliberate design choices, but were strange enough for me to put them here as maybe some were unintentional)

1. Double tap doesn't work with Death from above if you use both shots. I don't know if this is intentional, but putting it out there as it is a bit strange.

2. Burning enemies are effectively stunned. Unlike in vanilla, burning enemies dont get their skills disabled and can only shoot, they instead just run around. While most certainly realistic, it makes flame debuff super OP, so I feel like this might be a huge balance issue (Incendiary grenades OP??)

3. Instant reveal on start. This happens mostly on late supply raids/ troop ambush where a Sectopod with a HUGE reveal zone spawns to close to your start location. I don't know if this is intentional, but I firmly believe it should not be.

That's it. I have multiple saves for the campaign so I can provide saves for most of these issues.
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Re: Post campaign bug list

Post by bountygiver »

Bug 3 is from combined arms, not volatile mix, volatile mix increases grenade radius by 1 and damage by 0 in LW2

The UI for bug 10 is not really there, LW2 smoke grenade UI already did whatever the smoke grenade UI mod does, haven't encounter the vanilla issue of smoke aoe indicator lying for me.

for DFA, you might be confusing it with stock steady weapon bonus, I don't see anything in code which would cause the second double tap shot to not take the bonus, don't forget double tap also has -10 aim on the second shot.

the instant reveal on mission start can also happen in vanilla, although it is a lot rarer due to less enemies/less sight range
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Re: Post campaign bug list

Post by DjAci »

bountygiver wrote:Bug 3 is from combined arms, not volatile mix, volatile mix increases grenade radius by 1 and damage by 0 in LW2

The UI for bug 10 is not really there, LW2 smoke grenade UI already did whatever the smoke grenade UI mod does, haven't encounter the vanilla issue of smoke aoe indicator lying for me.

for DFA, you might be confusing it with stock steady weapon bonus, I don't see anything in code which would cause the second double tap shot to not take the bonus, don't forget double tap also has -10 aim on the second shot.

the instant reveal on mission start can also happen in vanilla, although it is a lot rarer due to less enemies/less sight range
Thank you very much for the reply.

I forgot about combined arms, though I do find it a strange choice to add damage to as flashbang is not technically an attack. Nevertheless the mystery is solved.

About DFA, I was perhaps unclear. What I meant was not that the second shot doesn't get the aim bonus, just that if you kill a target with both shots necessary you dont get an action point. I am just putting it there, probably a design choice.

I'll check the smoke issue again.
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Re: Post campaign bug list

Post by johnnylump »

Double Tap, just like the Rapid Fire it's based on, doesn't trigger various action-granting abilities if the second shot of the pair leads to a kill. It's not intended but I don't know how to fix it either.
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Re: Post campaign bug list

Post by bountygiver »

johnnylump wrote:Double Tap, just like the Rapid Fire it's based on, doesn't trigger various action-granting abilities if the second shot of the pair leads to a kill. It's not intended but I don't know how to fix it either.
one solution to fix it is to make the second shot cost an action point, and grant action point to the second shot when needed (need to change xcomgamestate_ability due to eventlistener serialization)

implement by granting action point first and get return value of AbilityTriggerAgainstSingleTarget, if false (second shot not triggered) remove the granted AP.
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