For general discussion about XCOM: Long War
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Post by CptSaucey »

Hello all,

I just started playing LW ironman and am loving it.

However, I have a personal issue of self control. So, whenever I feel I am wronged (missing >95% shots) I have the angry justification that it is bs and force quit the game before the end of my turn. This is basically cheating and I understand those things can happen. I just can't stop though...

My question? Is there a mod/mode that automatically autosaves after each action (not turn) in LW? Pretty much like something xcom 2 ironman had.

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Post by johnnylump »

We don't have that. It might be possible, but someone else (with time) is going to have to figure it out.

I might recommend bronzeman as an alternative. Although you can still get away with forcequitting, it gives an alternative for when things go wrong -- you restart the tactical mission. It's a sort of punishment you can force on yourself. Just a thought.
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Post by Stark »

I've been playing LW on and off for quite a while, And I too am guilty of cheesing the game when I feel the situation was unfair. Well at least that has been the case up until my current playthrough. So I made an oath to myself that I would not save-scum any tactical mission, And by god it is so hard to refrain from doing so.

I get so emotionally invested and attached to my soldiers that it breaks my heart to see the good one's go. Just last night I was on the Observatory council mission, And as I set in motion a masterfully orchestrated attack, killing wave after wave of Muton without so much as a scratch- My Scout, And my highest ranking soldier, gets One-shot by one of the last Thinman drops. Straight after that, I foolishly set my best medic in ambush for the last Thinman drop atop the main building next to my sniper, The Thinman proceeded to jump up and run to flank my medic who was taking cover behind the air-con units- killing him instantly.

So much regret! I thought it was absurd that the Thinman knew his exact position without ever making contact. I literally felt sick to my stomach as my Scout and Medic lay there, their bodies broken and eyes unnaturally bulged wide-open- A testament to the last horrifying moments of their young lives.

Upon returning to HQ, I feel this cold hard lump of shame slide down my throat, as if my men look upon me with disappointment. I didn't sleep well last night, being haunted by flickering images of my soldiers dead faces. I hardly have the will left to continue as commander. I suddenly realize the true nature of Long war, And I may not have the stomach or the skill to endure the essence of it. At the same time I appreciate how much weight there is behind my decisions as commander, but that doesn't stop the nightmares.

I still curse myself and my fledgling Sniper who I entrusted the life of a promising young medic at the start of the campaign. He was special , I felt it, he was destined for greatness, but we let him die ... "I" let him die.
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